laidi 中文意思是什麼

laidi 解釋
  1. The purple mink coat belonged to shangguan laidi and the baby had got to be hers

  2. The shangguan family ' s seven daughters ? laidi, zhaodi, lingdi, xiangdi, pandi, niandi, and qiudi ? drawn by a mild aroma, emerged from the eastern room, huddling at the window of shangguan lushi ' s chamber

    上官家的七個女兒? ?來弟、招弟、領弟、想弟、盼弟、念弟、求弟? ?被一股淡淡的香氣吸引著,從她們棲身的東廂房裡鉆出來,齊集在上官魯氏的窗前。
  3. The young man ' s bright, radiating eyes had come to shangguan jintong ' s attention and the white parrots in the cage reminded him of what he saw when he returned from the jiaolonghe farm to his house many years ago, the parrots that were hovering around han the bird guy and the son of shangguan laidi
