leihener 中文意思是什麼

leihener 解釋
  1. In the kitchen are julia leihener s thups, drinking glasses which rest on the thumb for the new thumb generation of texters and computer gamers ; blackberry mobiles are in the office ; yoshi saito s hug chair is in the living room, a contemporary take on the traditional kissing seat which encourages people to hug each other when they sit down, and pleasurable sensations are in the bedroom - from silks to jewellery

    在廚房裡的是朱里葉萊恩納( julia leihener )的thups玻璃酒杯,它們被擱在新的「拇指」一代texters和計算機游戲者的手指中;辦公室里的是黑莓牌的可移動辦公設施;起居室里的是yoshi saito的hug椅子,它是傳統的親吻椅子的現代版,用來鼓勵坐下來的人相互擁抱親吻;在臥室里,從絲綢到珠寶展現的是令人愉快的氣氛。