lovelight 中文意思是什麼

lovelight 解釋
  1. I don t want to lose you, i don t want to lose your lovelight

  2. “ m ” is for the million thing she gave me, “ o ” means only that she is growing old, “ t ” is for the tears she shed to save me, “ h ” is for her heart of purest gold, “ e ” is for her eyes, with lovelight shining, “ r ” means right, and right she ' ll always be. put them together, they spell “ mother ”. a word that means the world to me

    代表她為我做的所有付出. o是說她已經漸漸老去. . . t是她為了救我而付出的眼淚, h代表了她想純金一樣真誠的心, e是她的眼睛,那閃爍著的愛之光, r代表正確,對,她總是永遠正確的.然後將這些字母放在一起,就是" mother "母親.一個對我而言,代表了全世界的詞