lubber 中文意思是什麼

lubber 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 傻大個子,笨大漢。
2. 無經驗的水手。
adj. 形容詞 大而笨拙的。
lubber grasshopper 【動物;動物學】鈍蝗 (Romalea microptera) 〈產於美國東南部〉。

  1. Stephen, greeting, then all amort, followed a lubber jester, a wellkempt head, newbarbered, out of the vaulted cell into a shattering daylight of no thoughts

  2. Get back to your place for a lubber tom

    回到你的位子上去,你這個笨蛋,湯姆。 」
  3. What soft - headed lubber had a bible

    聖經是哪個王八羔子的? 」
  4. To be sure you did, he cried. why, i aint sich an infernal lubber, after all. i can see, can t i

    他叫了起來, 「歸根結底,我也不是個笨蛋,難道我看不出來嗎?
  5. I won t eat you. hand it over, lubber. i know the rules, i do ; i won t hurt a depytation

    「過來,伙計, 」西爾弗喊道, 「我不會吃了你的,把東西遞給我,你這個傻大個兒。
  6. You re him that never bungled nothing, you wooden - headed lubber ! dig away, boys, said silver, with the coolest insolence ; you ll find some pig - nuts and i shouldn t wonder

    「挖吧,孩子們, 」西爾弗國空一切地冷嘲熱諷道, 「興許你們還能挖出兩顆花生豆呢。 」