machinator 中文意思是什麼

machinator 解釋
  1. Producer of this movie : mr. dengpeixing, chief machinator : mr. wangsanxue

  2. The primary machinator mr wang lan ping who was board chairman was a visiting professor & giving lectures in 2000 for economic management academy in ningxia university so far , also he was given for honour the top - ten scheme expert in china in beijing great hall of the people in 2004 & chinese development strategy committee engages for chairman in 2005

    公司董事長、首席策劃王藍平先生, 2000年被寧夏大學經濟管理學院聘為客座教授並授課至今, 2004年在北京人民大會堂被授予「中國十大策劃專家」稱號, 2005被中國發展戰略委員會聘為主任委員。