machinea 中文意思是什麼

machinea 解釋
  1. We ll use machinea in this example

    在這個例子中,我們將使用machinea 。
  2. The first test is to check if machinea can use ssh to run a simple command on machineb

  3. Once the ssh server setup above has been completed, the trust relationship between machinea and machineb is complete

  4. If the server is disallowing the authentication, open up the ssh server trace sshd. trace on machinea to look for clues

    如果是服務器阻礙了認證,那麼打開ssh服務器跟蹤( machinea上的sshd . trace )尋找線索。
  5. To do this, you ll need to pick two hosts that do not allow the desired form of authentication we ll assume machinea and machineb in the discussion below

    為此,需要採用兩個不允許期望形式的認證的主機(在下面的討論中我們假設是machinea和machineb ) 。
  6. We will assume in the setup below that the db2 udb dpf instance is configured to run on two different hosts there can be any number of db2 nodes on each of these hosts, called machinea and machineb

    在下面的設置中,我們將假設db2 udb dpf實例被配置為在兩個不同的主機,即machinea和machineb上運行(每個主機上可以有任意數量的db2節點) 。
  7. Any user id from machinea is allowed to ssh to machineb as the same user id this form of host - based authentication does not allow a user id on one machine to login as a different user id on the other machine

    來自machinea的任何用戶id都可以憑相同的用戶id ssh到machineb (這種形式的基於主機的認證不允許一臺機器上的某個用戶id以不同的用戶id登錄到其他機器上) 。
  8. Host - based authentication using ssh allows any user id from machinea to use ssh to login as that same user id on machineb, assuming that the ssh client on machinea is configured to use host - based authentication and the ssh server on machineb is configured to allow host - based authentication

    使用ssh的基於主機的認證允許來自machinea的任何用戶id使用ssh以相同的用戶id登錄到machineb上,這里假設machinea上的ssh客戶機被配置為使用基於主機的認證, machineb上的ssh服務器被配置為允許基於主機的認證。