malefactor 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['mælifæktə]
malefactor 解釋
n. 名詞 (opp. benefactor) 犯罪分子;作惡者;壞人。

  1. And straightway the minions of the law led forth from their donjon keep one whom the sleuthhounds of justice had apprehended in consequence of information received. and they shackled him hand and foot and would take of him ne bail ne mainprise but preferred a charge against him for he was a malefactor

  2. If he weren ' t a malefactor, we wouldn ' t have brought him before you

  3. Don ' t come and go with malefactor

  4. The first - named malefactor will be mazzolato, the second culprit, decapitato

  5. Malefactor n., malevolent

  6. Because the inserted command may have additional strings appended to it before it is executed, the malefactor terminates the injected string with a comment mark " - "

    由於插入的命令可能在執行前追加其他字元串,因此攻擊者將用注釋標記「 - - 」來終止注入的字元串。
  7. Tis a thing of ill - omen, miss. it was put up in wuld times by the relations of a malefactor who was tortured there by nailing his hand to a post and afterwards hung. the bones lie underneath
