marlborough 中文意思是什麼

marlborough 解釋
n. 名詞 馬爾伯勒〈姓氏〉。

  1. By kind permission of his grace the duke of marlborough, blenheim palace, woodstock, england ; photograph by beesley gibbons, ltd., oxford, england

    英國牛津郡伍德斯托克附近的布倫海姆宮的北面,建於1705 ? 1724年。
  2. Another rancher, herf ingersoll, appeared in marlborough print ads throughout the 1970 ’ s

  3. You have clay pigeon shooting with lord marlborough,

  4. Right. tell lord marlborough that i ' ve broken my shooting arm

  5. The 2007 has piercingly intense marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass, gooseberries and kiwifruit

  6. " clearly, from the people who were at school with her at marlborough, she did have a soft spot for prince william, " jobson said

  7. They buy one and fourpenceworth of brawn and four slices of panloaf at the north city dining rooms in marlborough street from miss kate collins, proprietress.

  8. The duke of marlborough, commander of british and dutch troops in the war of the spanish succession ( 1701 - 14 ), won a series of victories over the french armies under louis xiv, ending louis ' s attempts to dominate europe

    馬爾伯勒公爵在西班牙王位繼承戰爭( 1701 - 14 )中率領英荷聯軍,多次擊敗法王路易十四的軍隊,使路易不能主宰歐洲。
  9. Standing tall at over six feet, clad in a black jeans, and denim shirt, hair in a great state of disarray, a marlborough lit in his hand. . that ' s how i ' ll always remember you, mr

    站高在超過6隻腳,在黑的牛仔褲給穿衣服了,並且工作服襯衫,處於一種偉大的狀態的頭發混亂,在他的手裡一莫爾巴勒點亮了. . .那是我將總是記得你的方法,先生。
  10. I would like to call you sir ( but you asked me not to, hence the name marlborough man ), as you would always be the greatest teacher i ever had, and never do i want any teacher to be better than you. . for you deserve this distinction, if anyone ever deserved it

    我想把你稱為先生(但是你問了我不,因此名字莫爾巴勒男人) ,當你將總是是最偉大的教師那我曾經,並且從來別做我想要任何教師是更好與比你. . .為你值得這區別,如果曾經理所應得的任何人它!
  11. The pathway of leaning that students take when studying at the changzhou / marlborough boys ' college international campus will see them gain new zealand qualifications that will gain them entry to tertiary education and allow further seamless progression into intermational vocations and study

  12. There was a dosshouse in marlborough street, mrs maloney s, but it was only a tanner touch and full of undesirables but m conachie told him you got a decent enough do in the brazen head over in winetavern street which was distantly suggestive to the person addressed of friar bacon for a bob

    馬爾巴勒街上倒是有一家馬洛尼太太經營的爾客棧,可那不過是個六便士一宿的破地方,擠滿了不三不四的人。然而麥科納奇告訴他,在酒店街的黃銅頭聽者依稀聯想到了修士培根26 ,只消花上一先令就能舒舒服服地住上一夜。