marquise 中文意思是什麼

marquise 解釋
n. 名詞 〈法語〉1. (英國以外的)侯爵夫人。
2. 拼鑲成[切割成]兩頭尖的橢圓形寶石;鑲有這種形狀寶石(或數顆這種形座)的戒指。
3. 〈古語〉帳幕,帳篷。

  1. " well, " said the marquise, " it seems probable that, by the aid of the holy alliance, we shall be rid of napoleon ; and we must trust to the vigilance of m. de villefort to purify marseilles of his partisans

    「嗯, 」侯爵夫人說, 「有神聖同盟的幫助,我們有可能除掉拿破崙,至於他在馬賽的那些信徒,我們必須讓維爾福先生來予以肅清。
  2. " i cannot speak latin, " responded the marquise

    「我不敢說拉丁語。 」侯爵夫人說。
  3. Cried the marquise : " napoleon the type of equality

    侯爵夫人喊道, 「拿破崙,平等的象徵!
  4. Exclaimed the angry marquise, " your folly exceeds all bounds

    侯爵夫人憤憤地說, 「你真是太傻,太孩子氣了。
  5. Inquired the marquise

  6. Cried the marquise

  7. Asked the marquise

  8. Said the marquise

  9. " with all my heart, " replied the marquise ; " let the past be forever forgotten

    「好了, 」侯爵夫人說道「讓我們永遠忘記過去的事吧!
  10. S was doomed. as the marquis had promised, villefort found the marquise and ren e in waiting

  11. Sophie marceau is dazzling as the alluring marquise : she captivates at every scene

    蘇菲-瑪索扮演的瑪吉光彩照人:在每個場景她都牢牢得吸引住了觀眾的視線。 。
  12. " true, " replied the marquise, without wincing in the slightest degree at the tragic remembrance thus called up ; " but bear in mind, if you please, that our respective parents underwent persecution and proscription from diametrically opposite principles ; in proof of which i may remark, that while my family remained among the stanchest adherents of the exiled princes, your father lost no time in joining the new government ; and that while the citizen noirtier was a girondin, the count noirtier became a senator.

    「不錯, 」侯爵夫人回答,這個被喚醒的悲慘的記憶絲毫沒使她動容, 「但我要請您記住,我們兩家的父親雖然同時被害,但他們各自的原因卻是大相徑庭的。為了證明這一點,我來把舊事重新提一遍:親王指路易十八被流放的時候,我的家庭成員依舊是他忠誠的臣僕,而你的父親卻迫不及待的去投奔了新政府,公民瓦蒂成為吉倫特黨以後,就搖身一變成了瓦蒂埃伯爵,並以上議員和政治家的姿態出現了。 」
  13. Although the style of fighting which involves kicking a man when he is down, gouging out his eyes, and kicking him in the testicles does not appeal to the average american, we must forget the marquise of queensberry and his often violated rules of sportsman like combat when dealing with our jap and nazi enemies

    盡管這種風格的格鬥包括一些普通美國人難得見到的東西:當對手倒地時猛踢他、挖他的眼睛、踢他的襠,但是在對付日本和納粹敵人的時候,我們必須忘記那位昆士伯利的侯爵以及他那種經常犯規的競技運動式格鬥的規則(指英國「昆士伯利拳擊規則」 ? ?譯注) 。
  14. Thus the captain related the touching history of his love for a fascinating marquise of five - and - thirty, and at the same time for a charming, innocent child of seventeen, the daughter of the fascinating marquise

  15. E, " replied the marquise, with a look of tenderness that seemed out of keeping with her harsh dry features ; but, however all other feelings may be withered in a woman s nature, there is always one bright smiling spot in the desert of her heart, and that is the shrine of maternal love. " i forgive you

    女人總是這樣的,其他的一切感情或許都會萎謝,但在母性的胸懷里,總有寬厚善良的一面,這是上帝特地給母愛留下的一席之地「福爾維,我剛才說:拿破崙黨分子絲毫沒有我們那種真誠,熱情和忠心。 」
  16. She was dressed in a dark brown silk and looked very simple and very tall, her venerable face reminding one of some old marquise who had survived the horrors of the great revolution

  17. And there is something in this room which reminds me forcibly of the chamber of the marquise de ganges or desdemona

  18. " and one which will go far to efface the recollection of his father s conduct, " added the incorrigible marquise

    「而且可以洗刷掉他父親的行為給人們種下的印象。 」本性難移的侯爵夫人又接上一句。
  19. The duchesse de f rubbed shoulders with mademoiselle a, one of sorriest specimens of our modern courtesans ; the marquise de t shrank from buying an item of furniture for which the bidding was led by madame d, the most elegant and most celebrated adulteress of our age ; the duc d y, who is believed in madrid to be ruining himself in paris, and in paris to be ruining himself in madrid, and who, when all is said and done, cannot even spend all his income, while continuing to chat with madame m, one of our wittiest tale - tellers, who occasionally agrees to write down what she says and to sign what she writes, was exchanging confidential glances with madame de n, the beauty who may be regularly seen driving on the champs - elysees, dressed almost invariably in pink or blue, in a carriage drawn by two large black horses sold to her by tony for ten thousand francs. and paid for in full ; lastly, mademoiselle r, who by sheer talent makes twice what ladies of fashion make with their dowries, and three times as much as what the rest make out of their love affairs, had come in spite of the cold to make a few purchases, and it was not she who attracted the fewest eyes

  20. I possess nearly 50, 000 livres in right of my mother ; my grandfather and my grandmother, the marquis and marquise de saint - m ran, will leave me as much, and m. noirtier evidently intends making me his heir
