mass media channels 中文意思是什麼

mass media channels 解釋
  • mass : n 彌撒;彌撒的儀式[禱告、音樂];彌撒曲。 a high [solemn] Mass (有燒香、奏樂等的)大彌撒。 a low ...
  • media : n (pl diae1 〈拉丁語〉【語言學】帶聲破裂子音;(帶聲)不送氣破裂音([b][d][])。2 【解剖學】血管...
  • channels : 風溝
  1. How to maintain a good relation with professional channels ? the thesis discusses above issue from several aspects. firstly, the definition and character of mass - decentr alized communication and the reflection of composite channels " development by charts and figures ; secondly, the reasons why composite channels are still a main part of media market, outlining the causes from three hands : the character of chinese audience, the present situation of chinese channels, mainly in the ability of producing programs and the models of some foreign channels excelling in producing marketing and so on ; thirdly, the strategy of composite channels " development, including the choice of programs, the arrangement of channel structure and the marketing strategy of famous - brand in the composite channels

    全文主要從三個角度對綜合頻道的發展進行闡述:第一部分,概括了分眾化傳播時代的特點和實質以及用圖表、相關數據結合理論分析近年來1 ,國頻道發展過程中出現的一系列的問題:即電視劇仍是各頻道播出節目的主體、一}了日1司質化傾向嚴重、頻道資源的優化組合問題啞待解決以及頻道劃分不夠科學和合理,頻道定位不明確;第二部分,從中國電視受眾的實際情況(包括受眾的年齡、性別、教育程度、家庭收入、觀眾的收視行為、文化產品的消費習慣、思維習慣和收視心理) 、中國的媒介大環境(主要是節目製作能力) 、國外的傳媒環境(側重於abc7頻道和法國電視二臺的經驗分析)三個方一面闡釋綜合頻道仍能繼續發展、大有作為的原因;第三部分,也是全文最重要的部分?中國綜合頻道的發展,錢略。
  2. The primary sources of information are mass media channels such as newspapers, tv and increasingly the internet

  3. C & ed will also regularly display and promote its 24 - hour complaint hotline on the newspaper, radio, television and other mass media channels to allow for public reports and complaints, including those on counterfeit food products

    海關亦會不時在報章、電臺及電視等大眾傳媒刊出告示及宣傳影片,介紹海關的二十四小時熱線,接受市民的投訴及舉報(包括有關冒牌貨物的投訴及舉報) 。
  4. It will facilitate dissemination of transport information to the public via established distribution channels such as variable message panels and electronic mass media

  5. Public views were elicited from various channels, including meeting at the legislative council panel on home affairs, meetings with relevant associations, and through the mass media
