mellors 中文意思是什麼

mellors 解釋
  1. He s a little black pup with a corrugated distemper, said mellors

    「他是一起伏狂亂痛挑戰黑狗。 」
  2. You haven t spoken to her ladyship yet, mellors

    你還沒有和太太說過話罷,梅樂士? 」
  3. But instead of going back to stacks gate she went and lodged with that mrs swain at beggarlee, because her brother dan s wife wouldn t have her. and she kept going to old mrs mellors house, to catch him, and she began swearing he d got in bed with her in the cottage and she went to a lawyer to make him pay her an allowance. she s grown heavy, and more common than ever, and as strong as a bull

  4. Sniffs ; then very affectedly in a piping voice : connie mellors ! connie mellors

    孩子吸著鼻涕然後用一種矯揉造作的尖聲道: 「康妮梅樂士! 」
  5. Only i m not having any of the lieutenant mellors touch. how could they make him an officer when he speaks broad derbyshire

    「他講的是一日德爾貝的話他們怎麼能把他升為一個軍官呢? 」
  6. She made out the gun and gaiters and baggy jacket - it would be oliver mellors, the keeper. yes, for there was the dog nosing around like a shadow, and waiting for him

  7. Mr mellors stayed on with his mother, and went to the wood through the park, and it seems she stayed on at the cottage. well, there was no end of talk. so at last mr mellors and tom phillips went to the cottage and fetched away most of the furniture and bedding, and unscrewed the handle of the pump, so she was forced to go

  8. Thanks so much, mellors, said clifford, when they were at the house door. i must get a different sort of motor, that s all

    當他們到了屋門口時,克利福說: 「勞駕得很,梅樂士,我得換一架發動機才行。
  9. The grin flickered on mellors face

  10. He was a real man, a little angry when giovanni drank too much wine and rowed awkwardly, with effusive shoves of the great oar. he was a man as mellors was a man, unprostituted

  11. Clifford tried her, and mellors stepped quickly behind and began to push

  12. Sir malcolm drank a fair amount of whisky, mellors also drank. and they talked all the while about india, on which the young man was well informed

  13. She is preoccupied with tie mellors scandal, and if i will let her begin, she takes me down to the depths

  14. Speaking seriously, they didn t get very far. mellors, though a little tipsy, was much the soberer of the two. he kept the conversation as intelligent as possible : which isn t saying much

  15. Duncan was a rather short, broad, dark - skinned, taciturn hamlet of a fellow with straight black hair and a weird celtic conceit of himself. his art was all tubes and valves and spirals and strange colours, ultra - modern, yet with a certain power, even a certain purity of form and tone : only mellors thought it cruel and repellent. he did not venture to say so, for duncan was almost insane on the point of his art : it was a personal cult, a personal religion with him

  16. And no matter how low she may be, there ll be some as will believe her, and some of the dirt will stick. i m sure the way she makes out that mr mellors was one of those low, beastly men with women, is simply shocking. and people are only too ready to believe things against anybody, especially things like that

  17. Sounds as if she d come clear, said mellors

  18. I shall prevent the child from being legally yours, if i can. i d so much rather it were illegitimate, and mine : if it can t be mellors

    我將竭我的力量不使這孩子成為你的合法孩子,我寧願他是個私生兒,而屬於我一倘然他不能屬于梅樂士。 」
  19. Do you mind pushing her home, mellors

    你不介意把車子推回去罷! 」
  20. So mellors was almost rude ? oh, nothing, really
