mouse dragging 中文意思是什麼

mouse dragging 解釋
  • mouse : MOUSE = minimum orbital unmanned satellite of the earth 不載人的最小人造地球衛星〈儀表載重五十公...
  • dragging : 耙掘
  1. Copying and dragging spirographs completed spirographs can be dragged to different locations on the drawing area using the mouse

  2. Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button provides you with a menu of autofill options

  3. " electronic 1c chip drawing system " provides many functions such as " modify the position of the component ' s diagram " " modify the color of the component ' s diagram " " magnify and minify the component ' s diagram without distortion " " change the type of drawing line " " edit some physical properties of the component " " copy and paste diagram of one component " " delete one or more component diagrams " " move more than one components " positions " " change the z _ order of the diagram, set it to back or bring it to front " " save the drawing of the electronic components to one file and the file extension name is *. brd " " print the drawing ". users can finish all these functions easily by clicking and dragging the mouse

    電路板元器件繪制系統主要完成了使用鼠標拖拽、鼠標點按的方式繪制電路板上各種常見的元器件圖形;編輯電路板上元器件圖形的位置;編輯元器件圖形的顏色;不失真的對器件圖形進行放大和縮小;編輯元器件圖形的線型;編輯電路板上各個器件的物理屬性(比如電阻的阻值大小、電容的容量大小、額定電壓等) ;復制已經繪制出的電路板上的器件;粘貼剪貼板上的器件;刪除單個或多個已經繪制出的器件圖形;同時改變多個器件圖形的位置;改變繪制區內各個元器件的zorder順序,也就是可以將層疊在一起的圖形置前或置后;把繪制的電路板器件圖保存到指定文件中;能打開、查看和修改保存的電路板器件圖;列印電路板器件圖。
  4. You may move the divider between the panes by clicking and dragging it with the mouse

  5. Click the left mouse button castle task, dragging the mouse adjustment angle and intensity, aiming to commit dealt a heavy blow to the enemy

  6. Most items in the file system editor, including subfolders, project outputs, files, and shortcuts, can be moved between folders by dragging with the mouse or by the

  7. Press and hold the eggs, dragging the mouse will appear a direct line to tell you where to jump

  8. Mouse operation, opened fire onto the pan, dragging three eggs hit the tin and bottle drive to the one really drinks, sloshing to mouse stirring, stirring well drag into the bowl pot, covered with pot cover, and 10 seconds after the drive pan to plate above, completion of a fried egg

    鼠標操作,打開火,放上鍋,拖動三個雞蛋打在碗里,拖動瓶子向碗里倒水,晃動鼠標來攪拌,攪拌好拖動碗倒入鍋里,蓋上鍋蓋, 10秒鐘后把鍋拖動到盤子上面,完成一個煎雞蛋。
  9. Mouse control, dragging the rails to the left lane pendulum, which mines blown up to the wrong line, if no suitable routes, it can be inside the one came out of the corner to heap

  10. Introduction : mouse control, dragging the rails to the left lane pendulum, which mines blown up to the wrong line, if no suitable routes, it can be inside the one came out of the corner to heap

  11. Dialog boxes can be moved between category nodes by dragging with the mouse or by using the cut
