naples 中文意思是什麼

naples 解釋
n. 名詞 那不勒斯〈義大利港市〉。

  1. For several days traffic from the naples airfields was partially interrupted。

  2. But go a little way from france - go either to aleppo or cairo, or only to naples or rome, and you will see people passing by you in the streets - people erect, smiling, and fresh - colored, of whom asmodeus, if you were holding on by the skirt of his mantle, would say, that man was poisoned three weeks ago ; he will be a dead man in a month

    但離法國稍遠一點的地方,到阿萊普或開羅,或是只要到那不勒斯或羅馬,您在街上看到有一個人經過您的身旁時,那個人腰桿筆直,面帶微笑,膚色紅潤,可是,假如阿斯魔狄思猶太教中的魔王,有先見之明。譯注在您身邊的話,他就會說:那個人在三周以前中了毒,一個月之內就會死的。 」
  3. I doubt that bourne ' s in naples readyto start a fiamily

  4. I ' m going on a one - day excursion to naples, sorrento and the picturesque island of capri

  5. But though he believed so implicitly that he was king of naples, and sympathised with his subjects grief at losing him, after he had been commanded to return to the service, and especially after his interview with napoleon at danzig, when his most august brother - in - law had said, i have made you king that you may rule in my way, and not in your own, he had cheerfully resumed his familiar duties ; and, like a well - fed, but not over - fed stallion feeling himself in harness, prancing in the shafts, and decked out in all possible motley magnificence, he went galloping along the roads of poland, with no notion where or why he was going

    盡管他堅信他是那不勒斯王,對即將與之離別的臣民的悲傷覺得抱歉,但最近,在他奉命又回軍隊之後,特別是在丹澤ohisut見到拿破崙之後,當至尊的舅子對他說: 「 je vous ai fait roi pour rgner ma manire , mais pas la voatre 」 ,他愉快地從事起他熟悉的事業,像一匹上了膘,但卻長得不太肥的馬,感到自己被套起來,在車轅中撒歡,並打扮得盡可能的華貴,歡歡喜喜,得意洋洋地沿著波蘭的大道奔跑,而自己卻不知道何處去和為什麼。
  6. For the last ten months my ministers have redoubled their vigilance, in order to watch the shore of the mediterranean. if bonaparte landed at naples, the whole coalition would be on foot before he could even reach piomoino ; if he land in tuscany, he will be in an unfriendly territory ; if he land in france, it must be with a handful of men, and the result of that is easily foretold, execrated as he is by the population. take courage, sir ; but at the same time rely on our royal gratitude.

    過去十個月來,我們的各個大臣都加倍地警惕著地中海,以確保平安無事,如波拿巴在那不勒斯登陸,那麼在他到達皮昂比諾以前,是整個聯軍就會行動起來,如果他在托斯卡納登陸,就踏上了一塊與他為敵的國土,如果他在法國登陸,那他只有帶點少數的人馬,象他這樣被人民深惡痛絕的人,其結果是可以想得到的,放心吧,好了先生,不過,王室仍然很感謝您。 」
  7. Our ship touched at naples.

  8. When the time came to go, they drove to naples.

  9. It is said that we shall probably be quarantined at naples.

  10. Her one ambition was to see italy and the bay of naples.

  11. He would have fallen an easy victim to the first dark eyes in naples.

  12. In the midst of his polished exhibitions was often reminded of an urchin i had once seen in naples.

  13. Aren't the u. s. a. demanding a navy base at naples this very moment and isn't our cabinet backing them ?

  14. Meanwhile, allied air forces were harrying the enemy communications and aircrafts in southern italy, and port of naples.

  15. It was the quickest route from rome to naples

  16. And then to palermo and naples

  17. On the 24th of february, 1810, the look - out at notre - dame de la garde signalled the three - master, the pharaon from smyrna, trieste, and naples

  18. Centre - left politicians fret over what the new stringency might do to areas such as naples, where huge swathes of the economy are black

  19. Hotels in naples hotels in verona

  20. No artist could better represent naples and the region of campania than the eclectic and sensitive renzo arbore who along with his italian orchestra brings the new / old sound of naples around the world performing in the most prestigious theatres and squares
