napoleons 中文意思是什麼

napoleons 解釋
  1. The chief cause of the wasting of napoleons army was the rapidity of its movements, and an indubitable proof of that is to be seen in the corresponding dwindling of the russian army

  2. I give you my word of honour as a russian officer, denisov was saying, that i will cut napoleons communications. is kirill andreivitch denisov, the ober - intendant, any relation of yours ? kutuzov interposed

    「我用俄國軍官高尚而誠實的誓言向您保證, 」傑尼索夫說, 「我準能切斷拿破崙的交通線。 」
  3. That is, the term for which the beast was permitted to continue, the sum of these numbers again equals 666, from which it is deduced that the terms of napoleons power had come in 1812, when the french emperor reached his forty - second year. this prophecy made a great impression on pierre

    此外,再按此字母表,把那個「說誇大話褻瀆話」的獸的限期quarante deux寫成數字,又正好是六百六十六,由上得出,拿破崙政權到1812年就滿期了,該年這位法國皇帝滿四十二歲。
  4. The sun had risen brightly, and its slanting rays shone straight in napoleons face as he looked from under his hand towards the flches

  5. In the first place, because napoleons army was flying in disorder at its utmost possible speed out of russia ; that is to say, doing the very thing that every russian most desired

  6. The shouts and lights in the enemys army had been due to the fact that while napoleons proclamation had been read to the troops, the emperor had himself ridden among the bivouacs

  7. At dinner the conversation turned on the last political news, napoleons seizure of the possessions of the duke of oldenburg, and the russian note, hostile to napoleon, which had been despatched to all the european courts

  8. Let the most skilful tacticians, supposing that napoleons object was the destruction of his army, try and devise a series of actions which could, apart from any measures that might be taken by the russian forces, have ensured with such certainty the complete destruction of the whole french army as the course taken by napoleon

  9. All napoleons earlier wars serve as illustrations of the rule

  10. We can readily understand that being the conception of the war that presented itself to contemporaries. we can understand napoleons supposing the cause of the war to be the intrigues of england as he said, indeed, in st. helena ; we can understand how to the members of the english house of commons the cause of the war seemed to be napoleons ambition ; how to the duke of oldenburg the war seemed due to the outrage done him ; how to the trading class the war seemed due to the continental system that was ruining europe ; to the old soldiers and generals the chief reason for it seemed their need of active service ; to the regiments of the period, the necessity of re - establishing

    顯然,對那個時代的人來說,就是這樣看待此事的當然,拿破崙認為,英國的陰謀是戰爭的原因他在神聖的聖勒拿島上,就這樣說過英國議院的議員們認為,戰爭的原因是拿破崙的野心奧爾登堡公爵認為對他的暴行是戰爭的原因商人們認為,使歐洲毀滅的大陸體系是發生戰爭的原因對老兵和將軍們來說,使他有事可做是戰爭的主要原因那時的正統主義者認為, les bons principes必須恢復而對當時的外交官來說,其所以產生這一切,是因為一八九年的俄羅斯和奧地利同盟未能十分巧妙地瞞過拿破崙, 178號備忘錄的措詞拙劣。
  11. Secondly, it was impossible, because to paralyse the force of inertia with which napoleons army was rebounding back along its track, incomparably greater forces were needed than those the russians had at their command

  12. The retreat from maley yaroslavets, when nothing hindered napoleon from passing through a country abundantly furnished with supplies, and the parallel road was open to him, along which kutuzov afterwards pursued himthis wholly unnecessary return by a road through devastated country is explained to us as due to various sagacious considerations. similar reasons are given us for napoleons retreat from smolensk to orsha

  13. Quite falsely and simply because the sequel did not justify napoleons actions do historians represent napoleons faculties as flagging at moscow

  14. It does not promise a generation of aristotles or newtons, of napoleons or washingtons, of raphaels or shakespeares, though such miracles of nature it has before now contained within its precincts

  15. The letter taken back by balashov was napoleons last letter to alexander

  16. But even their orders, like napoleons, were but rarely, and to a slight extent, carried out. for the most part what happened was the opposite of what they commanded to be done

  17. The direct consequence of the battle of borodino was napoleons cause - less flight from moscow, his return by the old smolensk road, the ruin of the invading army of five hundred thousand men, and the downfall of the napoleonic rule, on which, for the first time at borodino, was laid the hand of a foe of stronger spirit

  18. Next day the emperors gentleman - in - waiting, count de turenne, came to balashov with a message that it was the emperor napoleons pleasure to grant him an audience

  19. Napoleons historian, thiers, like others of napoleons historians, tries to justify his hero by maintaining that he was drawn on to the walls of moscow against his will

  20. Thiers, a bonapartist, says that napoleons power rested on his virtue and his genius ; lanfrey, a republican, declares that it rested on his duplicity and deception of the people
