nazi germany 中文意思是什麼

nazi germany 解釋
  • nazi : n (pl Nazis)adj 德國國家社會黨(的) 納粹黨(的) 納粹黨員(的);納粹分子(的) 法西斯分子(的...
  • germany : n. 德意志,德國。
  1. One is left breathless by the impact of such passages as cassius' few lines describing how rome had, like nazi germany, first to be enslaved herself in order that she might be fit to enslave the world.

  2. The spectre of eugenics, which reached its culmination in nazi germany, haunts both politicians and public

  3. 1939 nazi - soviet pact was signed by soviet foreign minister molotov and foreign minister of nazi germany ribbentrop in moscow

  4. It is said that the crazy killing of nazi germany is due to social abnormality caused by overquick development of the industrialization

  5. The anti - semitic policy of the nazi germany and the 1936 olympiad

  6. Overall, it is estimated that the success of the efforts to code break the german enigma machine helped the allies defeat nazi germany two years earlier than they would without it, saving countless lives, and making it one of the most successful intelligence operations in history

    總而言之,破譯恩尼格碼使得盟軍戰勝德國納粹的時間提前了兩年,拯救了無數的生靈, ,並且這一行動是情報戰線歷史上最偉大的勝利。
  7. Albert einstein, fleeing nazi germany, moves to the us

  8. Dr. viktor frankl discovered his mission in the death camps in nazi germany after his parents and family were all taken there. he alone survived and in his suffering he got a concept, a vision, " they might burn or kill me tomorrow, but as long as i am alive i can do something today

  9. America's naval attache in nazi germany is certainly somebody. you could strike a blow for preparedness, or a two-ocean navy.

  10. When we reflect on nazi germany - one has to wonder - how did a sick lunatic like hitler ever come into power and remain there so long - carrying out some of the worst atrocities the world has every known - remaining in office until his own mental illnesses and drug addiction resulted in poor judgement and his downfall

    當我們反省納粹德國? ?就會驚愕? ?一個像希特勒那樣的精神錯亂患者如何能夠進入權力中心,並且能在那裡停留這么長時間? ?執行著眾所周知的世界上最壞的暴行? ?仍然繼續執政,直到他自己的精神疾病和沉溺藥物而引致他的垮臺。
  11. What japanese government did in world war ii is more brutal than that done by nazi germany

  12. Mr annan said the united nations, which was founded shortly after the end of world war ii, must do everything in its power to prevent the scale of the slaughter undertaken by nazi germany

  13. His rifle can still be seen today at the stalingrad history museum, among the great symbols of the victory over nazi germany

  14. Lightning. dean koontz. a time traveler from the past seeks to avert nazi germany ' s alterations to the present

  15. It is a standing tribute to mind control victims that they, by and large, endure treatment at least equal to that of the jews in nazi germany ( prior to being shipped to the death camps ) while remaining alive and functional

    這對于精神受害者來說是個持續的貢獻,大體上,忍耐治療至少等於在納粹德國的猶太人(之前被運送到死亡集中營) ,當他們仍舊活著以及並沒有喪失功能。
  16. " in the global interconnected world we live in, it is unacceptable anywhere to seek to promote the policies and images of hitler and nazi germany as worthy of emulation, " said abraham cooper, associate dean rabbi of the simon wiesenthal centre

  17. For many years they warred against nazi germany

  18. In world war ii, france was occupied by nazi germany

  19. Why did nazi germany launch the world war in advance

  20. 1940 nazi germany invaded denmark and norway
