nobly 中文意思是什麼

nobly 解釋
adv. 動詞 副詞 1. 崇高,高貴,出身於貴族。
2. 華美,宏偉,壯麗。
3. 豁達,豪爽。

  1. Toward women he was nobly restrained and chivalrous.

  2. " we shall nobly save or meanly lose the last, best hope of earth.

    「我們將崇高地挽救活卑賤地喪失地球上最後最好地希望。 」
  3. The nobly born must nobly do.

  4. Was not that nobly done ?

  5. In olympus, zeus congratulated himself that his favourite son had behaved so nobly.

  6. Fortunately, he died nobly at the alamo, fighting for texan independence, and thus secured immortality.

  7. Then she told me she would carry me to an uncle's house of hers, where we should be nobly entertained.

  8. She nobly answered : with a gentleman friend

  9. I know you ll look after sir clifford nobly

    我知道你會好好地侍候克利福男爵的。 」
  10. If we must suffer, let us suffer nobly

  11. " nobly done, friend, " said the sharp - faced man

    「幹得真勇敢,朋友。 」刀條臉男人說。
  12. Aims to create water - like skin, silky and slim body, precious beauty and pure naive properties for every woman, ; just like the meaning of the name lucy belle stands for lucy means the one who brings hopes and intelligence, while belle means the beautiful person, the one who is nobly bright, we determine to make every woman shinny - beautiful aesthetically in every aspect

  13. She said that the count had died, as she would wish to die herself, that his end had been not simply touching, but edifying ; that the last interview of the father and son had been so touching that she could not recall it without tears ; and that she did not know which had behaved more nobly in those terrible moments : the father, who had remembered everything and every one so well at the last, and had said such moving words to his son ; or pierre, whom it was heartbreaking to see, so utterly crushed was he, though he yet tried to conceal his grief, so as not to distress his dying father

    她說,伯爵正如她意料中的情景那樣去世了,他的死不僅頗為感人,而且可資垂訓。父子最後一次的會面竟如此感人,以致一想起此事她就會痛哭流涕,她不曉得在這令人可怖的時刻,父子二人中誰的行為表現更為出色,是在臨終的時候對所有的事情和所有的人一一回顧並對兒子道出感人的話的父親呢,還是悲慟欲絕為使死在旦夕的父親不致於難受而隱藏自己內心的憂愁的令人目睹而憐惜的皮埃爾。 「 cestpenible , maiscelafaitdu
  14. It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work, which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced

  15. Gorgeous buddha statues, illuminated at night, stand nobly at the corners of many streets in capital city of colombo

  16. It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced

  17. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced

  18. We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth

  19. As proven by their past experiences, many of our fellow initiates, after being tempered by master, have been reborn, becoming stronger both within and without, and able to fully use their potential to accomplish tasks that they have never attempted before. all of these volunteer initiates continually bear in mind master s teachings, and are willing to try thinking and acting nobly

  20. It was a large, stately apartment, with purple chairs and curtains, a turkey carpet, walnut - panelled walls, one vast window rich in stained glass, and a lofty ceiling, nobly moulded. mrs. fairfax was dusting some vases of fine purple spar, which stood on a sideboard
