notification charges 中文意思是什麼

notification charges 解釋
  1. C if you are utilizing the cleverlearn software and services under any special promotion, your debit or credit card will be immediately charged for any applicable service fees or charges, without further authorization from you and absent notification from you of your desire to terminate or cancel your account or the service, upon the expiration of any free trial period, or shall be charged any applicable additional fees upon expiration of any promotion

    C如果您是在促銷期間使用cleverlearn的軟體和服務,一旦免費試用期或是促銷期結束,您沒有通知公司中止或取消其賬號, cleverlearn則無需進一步徵得您的同意或是通知,用戶的消費卡或信用卡即會立刻被要求支付所實際產生服務費或其他費用。