nourished 中文意思是什麼

nourished 解釋
  1. Once i nourished the entire human race.

  2. For instance, when we water a plant, water permeates its roots and is transported to the cells of every little leaf. the plant is nourished by the nutritious water

  3. Neurons in the brain, like neurons and all other cells throughout the body, must be nourished.

  4. The same symptoms may occur in well nourished individuals.

  5. The battle must be nourished and fought out until it is won.

  6. He called me an ungrateful wretch and nourished the grievance to the end of his days.

  7. Although she was nourished in the loving care of her porpor ' s understanding the need to be independent, to explore, to travel, she had to transcend granny ' s parochialism that is, politically incorrect racial attitudes to be colour - blind and to see people as they are

    雖然她在婆婆無微不至的愛護和諒解中成長「我需要獨立探索週遊世界各地」 ,但她也要超越婆婆的狹隘思想即不正確的種族觀念,做一個「色盲」的人,以個人的素質來判斷他人。
  8. Although she was nourished in the loving care of her porpor ' s understanding ( " the need to be independent, to explore, to travel " ), she had to transcend granny ' s parochialism ( that is, politicallyincorrect racial attitudes ) to be " colour - blind " and to see people as they are

    雖然她在婆婆無微不至的愛護和諒解中成長( 「我需要獨立、探索、週遊世界各地」 ) ,但她也要超越婆婆的狹隘思想(即不正確的種族觀念) ,做一個「色盲」的人,以個人的素質來判斷他人。
  9. Although she was nourished in the loving care of her granny ' s understanding ( " the need to be independent, to explore, to travel all over the world " ), she had to transcend granny ' s parochialism ( that is, politically incorrect racial attitudes ) to be " color - blind " and to see people as they are

    雖然她在婆婆無微不至的愛護和諒解中成長( 「我需要獨立、探索、週遊世界各地」 ) ,但她也要超越婆婆的狹隘思想(即不正確的種族觀念) ,做一個「色盲」的人,以個人的素質來判斷他人。
  10. For all its inadequacies, new england nourished them, and like other new englanders they extracted a kind of genius from provincialism.

  11. Rose of sharon, bereft of her baby, nourished the famished man with the milk from her * s

  12. Rose of sharon, bereft of her baby, nourished the famished man with the milk from her breasts

  13. The truth seems to be, however, that the mother - forest, and these wild things which it nourished, all recognised a kindred wildness in the human child

  14. Do you forget that nine full months i carried you in my womb and nourished you with my blood ?

  15. The river itself, which nourished the grass and cows of these renowned dairies, flowed not like the streams in blackmoor

  16. Landscape poetry mos always have gathered fuga is the narrowest place of the city landscape nourished the blood, poetry casting the soul of the city

  17. And he could not help but contrast it with the weak pipings and shrill quaverings of factory girls, ill - nourished and untrained, and with the raucous shriekings from gin - cracked throats of the women of the seaport towns

  18. There are patterns of bats homophone of blessing and happiness in mandarin, cranes symbolize longevity in chinese culture and clouds on these columns. the couplet read " blessed the city when there is no wind and the river lays unruffled ; nourished the soldiers and civilians by the might of god and the rich resources from the river " was written by the famous general wang, de - u of cing dynasty

    ,柱上刻有蝙蝠(取諧音福) 、鶴(取其長壽)及祥雲圍繞,上面還刻有道光十六年丙申(西元一八三六年)水師提督王得祿敬撰的楹聯浪靜風平水陸均沾福澤,威靈赫渥軍民盡感慈庥。
  19. Most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots

  20. She had nourished the dream of becoming a movie star
