otherworldly 中文意思是什麼

otherworldly 解釋
adj. 形容詞 來世的;冥界的;修來世的;空想中的;精神上的;超俗的。

  1. Elegant decoration adds to your admiration of life and makes you feel otherworldly

  2. These otherworldly beings fight fiercely for life, order, and good

  3. The plot of “ youth without youth ” is an otherworldly blend of moods and genres

  4. He paints an otherworldly, murky scene of dread in the cemetery where lightening flashes and thunder roars

  5. I ' m afraid that in the real world, i ' m not so good, so kind, so romantic, beautiful and so otherworldly

  6. Considering this city ' s commercial reputation, you may be surprised by the otherworldly and quaint style of cold fairyland

  7. After surviving a car crash that killed her boyfriend sean, cassie steps into a nightmare of otherworldly visitations. haunted by a grim reaper of a f.

  8. How to choose between them ? arenas was shaky in november before this otherworldly december ; caron butler has been washington ' s most consistent player

  9. We drove through otherworldly vistas that would become familiar over the next few days : deep green mountains, with even the steepest slopes covered in terraced rice paddies

  10. 5. miami heat 30 - 13 shaquille o neal is having a terrific, mvp - type season. his numbers aren t otherworldly, but his presence night after night has made the heat a title contender

  11. One of alaska ' s most heavily trafficked areas, the kenai peninsula abounds with postcard views ? snowcapped mountains, rivers that roil with spawning salmon, an abundant supply of moose, bears, eagles, and puffins, four active volcanoes, and a gigantic, otherworldly icescape, harding icefield

    奇奈半島是阿拉斯加最繁忙的交通要道,有著許多如明信片般的風光:大雪覆蓋的山峰,充滿了鮭魚的河流,隨處可見的的駝鹿,熊,鷹和海雀,四座活火山,還有一片廣袤的,恍如隔世般的冰景- -哈丁冰原。
  12. Guided by instinct, by the otherworldly radiance of the southern cross, they head unerringly for their traditional breeding ground where - after a ritual courtship of intricate dances and delicate maneuvering, accompanied by a cacophony of ecstatic song - they will pair off into monogamous couples and mate

  13. When he teams up with skeptical policewoman angela dodson rachel weisz to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister, their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary los angeles. caught in a catastrophic series of otherworldly events, the two become inextricably involved and seek to find their own peace at whatever cost

    這部超乎想像力的靈異奇幻動作猛片魔界行者改編自dc vertigo暢銷漫畫hellblazer ,在片中, 22世紀殺人網路的奇洛李維斯要穿梭人魔兩道,驅邪伏魔,與此同時,發現原來在天使之城裡,靈界之間的條約已經蕩然無存,魔鬼恃惡橫行。