palpation 中文意思是什麼

palpation 解釋
  1. Crepitation made by sharp broken bones can be heard upon palpation

  2. Palpation of the heart action has real value; the size of the cardiac impulses can be assessed.

  3. Confirmation can be obtained by detecting extensive necrosis through careful digital palpation.

  4. The four diagnostic methods refer to inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and palpation

  5. The four diagnostic methods, namelv inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry, and pulse - taking and palpation, refer to the four basic procedures used in diagnosing a disease, they are the presuppositions of correct differentiation and effective treatment in tcm

  6. The palatine canal is identified by palpation, usually 1 - cm medial to the second molar, and cannulated using an angled 27 - gauge needle

  7. Palpation : palpation includes pulse examination and body pressing - touching

  8. Direct palpation with the fingers or indirect palpation with a probe is aimed at determining the size, consistency, temperature and sensitiveness of a lesion or organ.

  9. An estimate of intraocular pressure can be obtained by palpation of the globe through the lids.

  10. Palpation consists of two parts : feeling the pulse and taking the pulse

  11. This can lead to palpation of an ill - defined " lump " in the breast

    乳腺可觸診到不明原因的「腫塊」 。
  12. S : is feeling the pulse equal to palpation

  13. Is feeling the pulse equal to palpation

  14. The doctor says that tcm uses four methods to diagnose diseases, which respectively are : the inspection, smelling and listening, interrogation and palpation

  15. Upon our rush to the scene for succor, inspection revealed that she was pale, comatose, and tachypneic, while her peripheral radial pulse was not felt on palpation

  16. Use varying levels of pressure for each palpation from light to deep, to examine the full thickness of your breast tissue

  17. Palpation revealed a stony hard left eyeball and his visual acuity bad also deteriorated

  18. Taking or feeling patient ' s pulse, chest, abdomen, skin, hand and foot all pertain to the category of palpation

  19. Because of its rarity beyond the neonatal period, prompt diagnosis depends on maintaining a high index of suspicion when the abdomen is distended and suddenly tender to palpation

  20. Syndrome differentiation is a process where doctors analyze and summarize the relevant information gathered from the four diagnostic methods ( inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and pulse feeling and palpation ), including all symptoms and signs, make judgment of the properties of the syndromes based on this information, and probe into the essence of the disease

    辨證就是將四診(望、聞、問、切)所收集的有關疾病資料,包括各種癥狀、體征等,加以分析、綜合,判斷為某種性質的「證候」 ,以探求疾病的本質。