panzer 中文意思是什麼

panzer 解釋
adj. 形容詞 〈德語〉裝甲的,機械化的。
n. 名詞 裝甲車,戰車,坦克。
a panzer division 裝甲師。
panzer troops 裝甲部隊,機械化部隊。

  1. In north africa in january 1943, the intelligence officer of the 10th panzer division reported on a "new american antitank weapon".

  2. In north africa in january 1943, the intelligence officer of the 10th panzer division reported on a " new american antitank weapon "

    一九四三年一月,駐北非的第十裝甲師的情報官報告了「美國的一種新式反坦克武器」 。
  3. Panzer elite luftwaffe commander tree has its command point costs modified. fallschirmjager increased from 2 to 3, luftwaffe ground forces reduced from 2 to 1, wirblewind increased by 1, butterfly bombs reduced by 1

    裝甲精英空軍戰術指揮線中傘兵由2指揮點增加為3指揮點,蝴蝶炸彈由2降低為1 ;空軍地勤部隊由2降低為1 ,旋風防空坦克由2增加為3 。
  4. Short-range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer divisions for this work.

  5. Info : enables anti tank grenades on your panzer grenadier, assault grenadier, and tank buster squads

  6. Panzer grenadiers max builders set from 12 to 6. this will reduce the construction speed of panzer elite infantry

    裝甲精英現在最多只能有6個士兵同時建造建築(以前為12個) 。這將降低裝甲精英步兵的建築速度。
  7. Panzer elite jager kommand and support kommand costs increased from 220mp / 20fuel to 220mp / 30fuel

    裝甲精英的裝甲殲擊指揮部和裝甲支援指揮部造價由220人力/ 20油料增加為220人力/ 30油料。
  8. Through this gap darted two panzer divisions making straight for warsaw.

  9. Many panzer divisions could not move for lack of fuel for their tanks.

  10. Panzer elite sector artillery costs 3 command points instead of 4

    裝甲精英區域炮擊指揮點數由4降低為3 。
  11. Can be upgraded to produce the panzer iv infantry support tank

  12. Panzer elite tank busters reduced in cost from 390mp to 360mp

  13. In february 1941, manstein was appointed commander of the 56th panzer corps

  14. Sticky bombs given a. 8 damage modifier vs panzer elite light vehicles

    美軍粘性炸彈對裝甲精英的輕型車輛的傷害倍數被設定為80 % 。
  15. Panzer elite wirblewind has improved accuracy modifiers against massed infantry

  16. Panzer elite scout car logistik upgrade decreased in cost from 40munitions to 25munitions

    裝甲精英偵察車後勤升級彈藥消耗由40降低為25 。
  17. Panzer elite panzer iv infantry support tank had its main weapon accuracy increased vs tp _ infantry ( us and wehrmacht infantry ) and tp _ infantry _ elite ( us rangers ) from. 4 to. 5

    裝甲精英四型步兵支援坦克主炮對英軍步兵以及美國游騎兵射擊精度倍數由40 %增加到50 % 。
  18. Panzer elite fallschirmjager fg42 weapon has its rate of fire reduced from 8 to 7

  19. Panzer elite fallschirmjager fg42 weapon is less effective against units in light and open cover

  20. Panzer elite flakvierling 38 cost changed from 340mp / 20fuel to 300mp / 35fuel

    裝甲精英空軍戰術的38型防空炮造價由340人力/ 20油料改為300人力/ 35油料。