parenthese 中文意思是什麼

parenthese 解釋
  1. This, par parenthese, will be thought cool language by persons who entertain solemn doctrines about the angelic nature of children, and the duty of those charged with their education to conceive for them an idolatrous devotion : but i am not writing to flatter parental egotism, to echo cant, or prop up humbug ; i am merely telling the truth

    Parenthese ,會被某些人視為過于冷淡,這些人持有莊嚴的信條,認為孩子要有天使般的本性,承擔孩子教育責任者,應當對他們懷有偶象崇拜般的虔誠。不過這樣寫並不是迎合父母的利己主義,不是附和時髦的高論,不是支持騙人的空談。我說的無非是真話。