pataki 中文意思是什麼

pataki 解釋
  1. Smokers claim the law violates their rights, and may put some establishments out of business, but protecting nonsmokers from secondhand smoke is paramount, says mayor michael bloomberg. in addition, governor george pataki has tightened the drunk driving laws, which should hopefully make the streets safer

    癮君子聲稱此項法律剝奪了他們的權利,並可能會導致一些公司行號關門歇業,不過市長麥克布魯伯格michael bloomberg表示,保護不吸煙者不受二手煙害才是最重要的。
  2. George pataki, mayor michael bloomberg, victims ' family members and designers of the site also attended a news conference a few blocks from the trade center site to release details of the memorial design

  3. On the afternoon of september 18, governor george pataki of new york state came by our first booth and complimented us for our work. the next day, he visited the site again and as he passed by, cordially waved to us

    9月18日下午,紐約州的州長喬治帕塔奇george pataki先生經過我們的第一攤位時,非常嘉勉我們的義行,隔天州長又再度前來災區巡視,當他經過我們的攤位時,還友善地向我們揮手致意。