phylum 中文意思是什麼

phylum 解釋
n. 名詞 (pl. -la )1. (生物分類的)門。
2. 【語言學】(泛稱)語系。

  1. Actually, the term coral is much broader and refers to most of the animals in the class anthozoa and a few animals in the class hydrozoa of the phylum cnidaria

  2. On the other hand, because of the big quantity of the arthropod fossils, arthropoda is still the phylum which is researched most frequently and deeply

  3. Ascoma ( ascocarp ) the fruiting body of most fungi of the phylum ascomycota, in which the asci are borne

  4. Ascospore one of ( usually ) eight haploid spores produced inside an ascus by members of the phylum ascomycota

  5. Peacocks are classified in the phylum chordata, subphylum vertebrata, class aves, order galliformes, family phasianidae

  6. Basidiomycota ( basidiomycetes ) a phylum of the fungi that includes the mushrooms and toadstools

  7. I couldn ' t find the traits to phylum chordata in the book

  8. Amphioxus, an existing animal that belongs to the phylum chordata, subphyla cephalochordata, is always regarded as the invertebrates which is the nearest to the vertebrates. it has great sense on the research of how the vertebrates develop from invertebrates

    長久以來,文昌魚一直被認為是現存的與脊椎動物親緣關系最近的無脊椎動物( stokeandholland , 1998 ; zhangetal . , 2001 ) ,在脊椎動物如何由無脊椎動物進化而來這一著名的生物學難題中占據重要的位置。
  9. Cycadophyta ( cycads ) a phylum of cone - bearing gymnosperms ( about 75 living species ) with palmlike compound leaves and special coralloid roots at or near the ground surface, which contain symbiotic nitrogen - fixing cyanobacteria

    蘇鐵綱(蘇鐵類植物) :包含球果的一類裸子植物(現存種大約有75種) ,它們具有掌狀的復葉,在近地面處有特殊的珊瑚狀的根,根內含有共生的固氮藍細菌。
  10. Desmids a group of green algae of the phylum gamophyta that are basically single - celled but in some species form filamentous or irregular colonies

  11. Actinobacteria ( ray fungi ; actinomycetes ) a phylum of eubacteria that contains the true actinobacteria and the coryneform bacteria

  12. Cyanobacteria a phylum of eubacteria containing the blue - green bacteria ( formerly called blue - green algae ) and the green bacteria ( chloroxybacteria )

  13. Equisetales ( horsetails ) the single order of the phylum sphenophyta, which contains the horsetails

    木賊(楔葉類) :是楔葉植物門的一個獨立的綱,僅包括木賊目。
  14. A unicellular protoctist of the phylum ciliophora, whose members are usually covered in short undulipodia ( cilia ) and have two different kinds of nuclei, micronuclei and macronuclei

  15. The mollusc phylum includes all soft - bodied animals without backbones

  16. Zygomycete any fungus belonging to the phylum zygomycota

  17. Anthocerophyta ( hornworts ) the small phylum of nonvascular plants

  18. Acrasiomycota ( cellular slime molds ) a class of protoctists in the phylum rhizopoda

    集胞粘菌門(細胞狀粘菌) :根足亞綱的一類原生生物。
  19. Charophyceae a class of the chlorophyta ( green algae ) that includes the stoneworts, formerly placed in a separate phylum charophyta

  20. A taxon is any taxonomic grouping, such as a phylum, a family or a species.
