preeclampsia 中文意思是什麼

preeclampsia 解釋
  1. Maternal assessment included an evaluation for benign and serious causes of headache that included preeclampsia, dural puncture, and neurologic lesions

  2. Preeclampsia / eclampsia and spinal headache comprised 24 % and 16 % of cases, respectively

    先兆子癇/子癇和脊柱性頭痛分別佔24 %和16 % 。
  3. Altered et and no in placental circulation of preeclampsia

  4. Placental expression of leptin and tnf - and their relationship in women with preeclampsia

  5. Placental expression of leptin, adiponectin and tnf - and their relationship in women with preeclampsia

  6. Preeclampsia should be considered initially in women with hypertension and proteinuria

  7. Efficacy of buprenorphine for postoperative epidural analgesia in patients with severe preeclampsia

  8. Clinical analysis of 38 early on set severe preeclampsia

  9. Since 1990, 2 randomized trials and seeral obserational studies hae ealuated the benefits s risks of expectant management of seere preeclampsia at < 34 weeks of gestation

    自1990年以來, 2個隨機實驗和一些觀察性研究評價了對于妊娠小於34周的重度先兆子癇採用保守治療的利與弊。
  10. Clinical study of conservative management of early - onset severe preeclampsia

  11. Since 1990, 2 randomized trials and several observational studies have evaluated the benefits vs risks of expectant management of severe preeclampsia at < 34 weeks of gestation

    自1990年以來, 2個隨機試驗和一些觀察性研究評價了對于妊娠小於34周的重度先兆子癇採用保守治療的利與弊。
  12. With serious cases without conoulsions the disease is referred to as preeclampsia.

  13. Doctors in norway are inducing deliveries earlier for pregnant women with preeclampsia, a condition marked by high blood pressure and protein in the urine, boosting survival rates, the researchers report today in the journal of the american medical association

  14. The researchers found the risks of developing preeclampsia dropped 10 percent among women taking aspirin or other antiplatelet medications

    研究者發現,相比于服用阿司匹林或者其它抗血小板藥物,患先兆子癇的概率下降了10 % 。
  15. Researchers say preeclampsia affects about five percent of pregnancies

  16. We report a patient with the admitting diagnosis of severe preeclampsia with fetal distress necessitating an emergency cesarean section

  17. Taking our case as an examplification, cliniciansmust have a high suspicion that aflp may exist in concurrence with preeclampsia when a parturient presents manifestations of nausea, jaundice, elevated bilirubin, elevated liver enzyme activities, prolonged pt and ptt, or thrombocytopenia

  18. Seere preeclampsia that deelops at < 34 weeks of gestation is associated with high perinatal mortality and morbidity rates

  19. They compared gene activity in the placentas of healthy pregnant women to those of women with preeclampsia

  20. Over the past 10 years, he has discovered the presence of cell - free fetal dna and rna in the plasma of a pregnant woman. with this, professor lo has opened up new possibilities for the non - invasive and safe prenatal detection and monitoring of pregnancy - associated disorders, including pregnancy - associated high blood pressure preeclampsia and fetal down syndrome

    在過去十年裡,他由首次發現母體血漿中存有胎兒dna及rna ,從而開辟了一個新領域,為懷孕相關疾病(包括妊娠高血壓綜合癥及唐氏綜合癥)的分子檢測提供了新方向。