prefound 中文意思是什麼

prefound 解釋
  1. Chinese traditional culture history is long, broad and prefound, it is the common wealth to all human

  2. The integration of ethics and law provides a firm theoritical foundation for the unification of rule of virtue and rule by law are in a dialectical relation, with the latler being an enhancement of the former and at the same time, the former provides prefound thought input into the latter

    第三部分:作為治國方略, 「德治」與「法治」是一個統一的整體:法律和道德的相互聯系,為法治與德治相結合提供了堅實的理論基礎;法治是德治的升華,德治是法治的思想前提,二者是辯證統一的關系。