propranolol 中文意思是什麼

propranolol 解釋
  1. I am currently on 40mg carbimazole and 160mg propranolol daily. i was initally started on 30mg carbimazole but it was increased 2 weeks ago. while all the hyperthyroid symptoms seem to have settled i continue to feel extremely fatigued, become exausted walking short distances and need to rest frequently

    她上個月有她的期間在22日月她沒有她的期間我們接受pregnacy考試的這個月並且它是消極的但仍然她hasnt被得到她的期間和我們freaking在那之外她也許是preganant 。
  2. The major effects of propranolol on the heart are absent in animals in which norepinephrine stores have depleted.

  3. Propranolol is almost completely absorbed following oral administration.

  4. These include insulin, sulfonylurea medications for type 2 diabetes, corticosteroids, diuretics, birth control pills, deferoxamine, rifampin, terbutaline, and propranolol

  5. In low dosses, its pharmacological effects resemble those of propranolol.

  6. Study on synthesis and resolution of propranolol

  7. While there has been speculation that central actions of propranolol might contribute to its antihypertensive effects, there is no convincing evidence.

  8. To address this question, we investigated the effects of the ( - adrenergic agonist l - isoproterenol or antagonist dl - propranolol on in vivo ltp of area ca1 and spatial learning in morris water maze

    為此,我們觀察了-受體激動劑異丙腎上腺素( isoproterenol )或拮抗劑心得安( propranolol )對在體ca1區ltp的調控作用以及對大鼠在morris水迷宮中空間學習的影響。
  9. Accordingly, dl - propranolol impaired rat ' s spatial learning in the water maze when infused into area ca1 20min pretraining. compared with control rats, the dl - propranolol - treated rats showed significantly slower learning in the water maze and subsequently exhibited poor memory retention at 24 - hr

    對應的,訓練前20分鐘在ca1區注射dl -心得安,大鼠在水迷宮中的學習速度顯著慢于對照組,訓練后24小時的空間記憶保持也相應地差。
  10. Propranolol is used in the management of hypertension, but it can cause hypotension, decreased heart rate, and fatigue

  11. Propranolol increases the activity of the human uterus, more in the nonpregnant than in the pregnant state.

  12. Enantioselective separation of propranolol enantiomers by chiral extraction

  13. Propofol and paracetamol are compounds that have phenol hydroxyl and propranolol and propafenone are those that have aliphatic ones. among the four compounds, propofol is the specific substrate of ugt1a9 and can be served as the comparison reference of enzymatic activity. based on the study of four compound, four kinds of isoflavone compounds, i. e., quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin and

    在上述四種化合物研究的基礎上,考用類黃酮化合物對叭xs有各種影響,並且具有各種酚羥基結構,本實驗選擇了四種類黃酮化合物即們皮素、山費酚、異鼠辛素和蘆丁作為底物,觀察ix ; 1 』 iag對它們代謝的作用情況,試圖了解ijgtiag在這些化合物的葡醛酸代謝過程中所起的作用。
  14. Effects of long - term propranolol treatment on number of alpha1 - adrenoceptor subtypes in rat heart

  15. Ecg changes were seen in a 16 - year - old girl following an intentional overdose of diltiazem and propranolol tablets ( dose and number of tablets not stated )
