protestor 中文意思是什麼

protestor 解釋
  1. The appeals jury will appoint one of its members who will verbally notify the protester that the protest has been accepted, mark the original document with the word “ accepted ”, and have it signed by each of the members of the appeals jury, before depositing the protest with the treasurer, who will return the deposited amount to the protestor, and in turn forward the protest document to the secretary general

    訴願委員會將指定他們的一名成員以口頭通知抗議者抗議已經被接受,會在原始文件上注記「 accepted 」 (接受)字樣,然後每位訴願委員在上面簽名,在把抗議文件寄放給財務長之前,將退還保證金給抗議者,然後把抗議文件轉交給秘書長。
  2. " we are not terrorists, we are not anarchists, but we are against those people who blaspheme islam, " one protestor shouted, ap said

    「我們不是恐怖分子,我們不是無政府主義者,但是我們反對那些褻瀆伊斯蘭教的人「 ,一個示-威者對美聯社記者喊著。