psalter 中文意思是什麼

psalter 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 【聖經】《詩篇》。
2. 〈p-〉 (禱告用的)分印詩篇。

  1. Towards night candles were lighted round the coffin, a pall was laid over it, juniper was strewn on the floor, a printed prayer was put under the dead withered head, and a deacon sat in the corner reading aloud the psalter

  2. She tried several ballads, but found them inadequate ; till, recollecting the psalter that her eyes had so often wandered over of a sunday morning before she had eaten of the tree of knowledge, she chanted : o ye sun and moon. . o ye stars. . ye green things upon the earth.

    她唱了好幾首民歌,但是感到它們都不能把內心的情緒表達出來后來,她回想起在吞吃智慧樹的禁果之前,在禮拜的早晨她的眼睛瀏覽過多少次的聖詩,於是又開口唱起來: 「哦,你這太陽,你這月亮哦,你們這些星星你們這些世間的綠色萬物你們這些空中的飛禽野獸和家畜你們世人你們應當贊美主,頌揚主,永遠尊崇主! 」