pumpship 中文意思是什麼

pumpship 解釋
  1. So i just went round to the back of the yard to pumpship and begob hundred shillings to five while i was letting off my throwaway twenty to letting off my load gob says i to myself i knew he was uneasy in his two pints off of joe and one in slattery s off in his mind to get off the mark to hundred shillings is five quid and when they were in the dark horse pisser burke was telling me card party and letting on the child was sick gob, must have done about a gallon flabbyarse of a wife speaking down the tube she s better or she s ow

    526於是,我繞到後院去撒尿。他媽的五先令贏回了一百,一邊排泄「丟掉」 ,以二十博一,卸下重擔,一邊對自己說:我曉得他心裏喬請的一品脫酒錢有了,在斯萊特里527喝的一品脫也有了,他心裡不安,想轉移目標溜掉一百先令就是五鎊哩。精明鬼伯克告訴我,當他們在「黑馬」家賭紙牌的時候,他也假裝孩子生病啦嘿,準足足撤了約莫一加侖。