pygmies 中文意思是什麼

pygmies 解釋
  1. At the age of about 12, however, pygmies stop growing

  2. There are also two competingexplanations : that small bodies keep cool more readily than large ones ( pygmyism tends to be a tropical phenomenon ) or that pygmies live in placeswith unreliable food supplies, and their size means they can make do withsmaller meals

  3. Randy olson : male ; he is a frequent photographer for the magazine please transliterate consistent with previous transliterations. he last photographed for the magazine in the september 2005 issue on pygmies

  4. Of the six groupsof pygmies for whom data exist, two have a life expectancy of 24 years and theother four about 16 years

    6組有數據的侏儒之中, 2組平均壽命為24歲,其它4組大約為16歲。
  5. African pygmies usually live in forests, and theconventional explanation for their stature has been that it makes it easier forthem to move through dense vegetation
