rectification movement 中文意思是什麼

rectification movement 解釋
  • rectification : n. 1. 改正,校正,訂正;矯正,糾正,整頓。2. 【電學】整流;矯頻;【化學】精餾,提純。3. 【數學】求長法。
  • movement : n 1 運動;活動;進退 行動 動靜;動搖;動作;舉動;〈pl 〉姿勢;態度。2 移動 遷移。3 (市面的)活...
  1. Longitudinal movement differential function is adopted here as identification model based on analysis of helicopter characteristics ; recognition, rejection and rectification unreasonable data is the first job in the second part

    ( 1 )在分析直升機特性的基礎上選取了直升機的縱向運動微分方程作為辨識的模型。
  2. Though, ignited by the journalism circle, the anti - kelikong movement, aiming at revealing the untrue news and journals did not confined itself to the journalism domain, it gradually integrated into one part of the party and army consolidation and rectification movement

  3. Yan ' an rectification movement and the party ' s advancement construction

  4. On the local characteristics of rectification movement in the base area of anti - japanese war in jiangsu

  5. As we used to say, the rectification movement is " a widespread movement of marxist education "

    我們過去說過,整風運動是一個「普遍的馬克思主義的教育運動」 。
  6. The important enlightenment of the yanan rectification movement to enhancing advanced development of the party at present

  7. The rectification movement in yanan and the construction of the party ' s work style

  8. We can certainly learn more about marxism in the course of the rectification movement

  9. Then, proceeding along the sequence of enacting five programmatic documents, the author expounds in detail the whole process of the socialist education movement in rural areas of xi ' an city. according to the way the movement was put at that time, the movement includes three phases : rectification, small - scale ssu - ch ' ing and full - scale ssu - ch ' ing

    其次,筆者循著社教運動的幾個綱領性文件( 《前十條》 、 《后十條》 、 《后十條》修正草案、 《二十三條》 )的發展線索,對西安市農村社教運動的全過程進行了詳細地描述與論述。
  10. Only - setting free from doctrines and orders can we explore the way of chinese liberation. and rectification movement is the concrete emancipation way

    人們只有從迷信「上級」 、 「本本」的思想束縛中解放出來,才能獨立自主地探索中國革命道路。
  11. And therefore, limb stands or pressing knees becomes not necessary for movement. the therapy benefits can reach the limit within the minimum period. this is critical for the different effects between the traditional operation and this new rectification

  12. Since the rectification movement is so important, why have we failed to practise it over the past year and a half
