requestor 中文意思是什麼

requestor 解釋
  1. Software components can be commoditized, as business functions in the requestor and provider s view

  2. It uses so - called outbound services to forward messages to an existing web service, and inbound services to provide a web services interface to a requestor

  3. Section 25 ( 2 ) also requires a data user to annex a note on the relevant files where the allegedly inaccurate data relate and to provide a copy of the note to the requestor

    第25 ( 2 )條規定資料使用者在有關檔案中,就準確性存疑的資料加上一項附註,並向提出要求者提供一份該項附註的復本。
  4. J2ee application client holding the web service requestor

  5. The service requestor finds the service description in a service registry and uses the information in the description to bind to a service

  6. Different corporation laws in different countries all have made corresponding arrangements on procedure, for example, the systems for the plaintiff shareholder : credentials inspecting system, lawsuit fee guaranty system, pre - suit requestor etc. since in the present " corporation law ", the responsibility system of director and senior staff is not perfect, and, the inner supervising mechanism exists in name only, so, it almost becomes a common understanding that it is necessary to introduce and constitute shareholders derivative suit system

  7. In order to satisfy the data user as to the identity of the requestor

  8. Supply the requestor with a copy of those data as so corrected ; and

  9. As to the identity of the individual in relation to whom the requestor purports to be such a person ; and

  10. By notice in writing inform the requestor that the data user is so unable and of the reasons why the data user is so unable ; and

  11. The data user should, in any circumstances, provide a reply to the requestor stating the refusal and the reasons for the refusal

  12. Where the requestor purports to be a relevant person, in order to satisfy the data user - as to the identity of the individual in relation to whom the request or purports to be such a person ; and

    信納提出要求者確是就該另一人而屬有關人士,的資訊,他須拒絕就該項要求遵守第23 ( 1 )條。
  13. However, the application of section 23 ( 3 ) in the above context does not release the data user from its obligation to respond to the requestor within the 40 - days limit, which is a requirement of section 25 ( 1 ) of the ordinance

    不過,資料使用者不能因引用第24 ( 3 )條而可免在40日限期內向提出要求者作出回應,因條例第25 ( 1 )條規定必須作出回應。
  14. Subject to subsection ( 2 ), a data user who pursuant to section 20 refuses to comply with a data access request shall, as soon as practicable but, in any case, not later than 40 days after receiving the request, by notice in writing inform the requestor -

    在不抵觸第( 2 )款的條文下,依據第20條拒絕依從某項查閱資料要求的資料使用者,須在收到該項要求后的40日內,于切實可行范圍內盡快以書面通知告知提出要求者( a )拒絕該項要求一事;
  15. Subject to subsection ( 2 ), if the data user cannot comply with the request without disclosing personal data of which any other individual is the data subject unless the data user is satisfied that the other individual has consented to the disclosure of the data to the requestor ; or

    (在符合第( 2 )款的規定下)該資料使用者不能在不披露另一名個人屬其資料當事人的個人資料的情況下依從該項要求;但如該資料使用者信納該另一名個人已同意向該提出要求者披露該等資料,則屬例外;或
  16. Essentially, this model refers to the establishment of terms through out - of - band or prior usage - based system, on the bartering of services, equity, or even a percentage of gross revenue of the requestor

    本質上,這個模式指的是在服務交換、等同體或甚至請求者總收入的一部分的基礎上,通過out - of - band或者基於提前使用的系統,來建立相關條款。
  17. Responsible for the end - to - end service requestor and provider design

  18. Service requestor coding

  19. Embed a membership token in the service request at the requestor, and

  20. Although jax - rpc soap engines like apache axis and the ibm websphere soap engine support the use of jax - rpc handlers, they do not permit the deployment of handler - based intermediations on a distributed soap message path ; the handlers must reside either at the requestor engine or the provider engine

    雖然jax - rpc soap引擎跟apache axis和ibm websphere soap引擎一樣,都支持使用jax - rpc處理器,但他們不支持部署一個基於處理器的web服務中介體到一個分散式的soap消息路徑上。