ritualistic 中文意思是什麼

音標 [ˌritjuə'listik]
ritualistic 解釋
adj. 形容詞 儀式的;儀式主義的。
adv. 動詞 副詞 -tically
  1. Granny made it imperative, however, that i attend certain all-night ritualistic prayer meetings.

  2. With his bestial fighting style reliant on his natural attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions, he has become an unconventional ally in the fight

  3. Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic

  4. The purpose of the circle is not known, but possibly ritualistic. stone circle

  5. In japan, author yukio mishima and two compatriots commit ritualistic suicide after failing to sway public opinion during an unsuccessful coup attempt

  6. By egyptian legend, the inhabitants of keftiu would engage in ritualistic bull fighting, with unarmed minoan bullfighters wrestling and jumping over uninjured bulls

  7. “ do you vow to vanquish evil wherever it be found, and protect the weak and innocent with your very life ? ” the archbishop asked taelan in a ritualistic tone

    "你發誓,不論在何時何地,只要發現邪惡的存在,你就會毫不憂郁將之粉碎,用你的每一滴血去保護弱小和無辜嗎? "主教用一種宗教儀式的口吻問著泰蘭
  8. While there are gender differences in conversational style and ritual use of language, the important point is that taking ritualistic language literally can lead to problematic18 perceptions19 of others

  9. The bangkok conference, like most primary sessions of this type, seemed to be the more symbolic and ritualistic in its significance, demonstrating mainly that asia is playing an increasing role in the world arena

  10. Their power and strength comes through physical combat, and most of their warrior caste bear scars obtained from skirmishes with utraean or hassat forces or from ritualistic combat training

  11. Because of the strength of the previous practice one is irresistibly attracted ; certainly even the inquisitive in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness surpasses the ritualistic principles for fruitive actions in the vedas

  12. Certain ritualistic movements take place, in which the grouped masters and their disciples of all ranks take up symbolic positions, and form on the floor of the valley such significant symbols as the five - pointed star, with the christ standing at the highest point ; of a triangle, with the christ at the apex ; or a cross, and other well known formations, all of which have a deep and potent meaning
