rushed 中文意思是什麼

rushed 解釋
  1. So, immediately after a night feeding in pards, the hive was sealed and rushed off on an air liner

  2. I didn t believe we could lick such a crowd of spaniards and a - rabs, but i wanted to see the camels and elephants, so i was on hand next day, saturday, in the ambuscade ; and when we got the word we rushed out of the woods and down the hill

  3. Just as it was leaving, mr. taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves.

  4. Avalanches rushed down.

  5. Her mind rushed away instantly to the magnificent tea and coffee service of baltimore silver which the beauforts had sent, and which "went" so perfectly with uncle lovell mingott's trays and side-dishes.

  6. We rushed forward and engaged them in bayonet charges

  7. They rushed forward and engaged the enemy in bayonet charges

  8. Bible reading and study cannot be rushed if we want it to be effective

  9. When they rushed at him, harry laid about him with his big stick

  10. Blackness rushed into his head.

  11. Every time the air raid siren sounded, people rushed to the nearest air raid bomb shelter

  12. On hearing that the new novel was published, he rushed at once to the bookshop for a copy.

  13. Consequently, most of the work was rushed and botched and slobbered over in about half the time that it would have taken to do it properly.

  14. A river rushed passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.

  15. On hearing the alarm the fire brigade rushed to the scene.

  16. The delta burmese rose in revolt and rushed the town of prome.

  17. Harboring a secret from his violent past and having found solace in the church, he soon finds himself caught in a web of intrigue when a young carmelite nun, sarah, is rushed to his hospital

    神父joachim ferrer有著充滿暴力而不想別人知的過去,加入教會后,他的精神得到了慰籍.可惜,不久之後,在教會內部,他再次捲入了明爭暗鬥的險惡漩渦.
  18. The cavaliers rushed into the palace to protect the king

  19. Colonel proctor and mr fogg, revolvers in hand, hastily quitted their prison, and rushed forward where the noise was most clamorous

  20. " the fishermen informed us they had caught this strange fish and we quickly rushed to find it was a coelacanth, " he said, adding that it weighed 27 kg and was 1. 34 meters long

    漁夫通知我們捕到這只怪魚,我們快速趕抵,發現是只腔棘魚,他說,並指出該魚重27公斤,體長1 . 34米。