schultz 中文意思是什麼

schultz 解釋
  1. On fuller and guadalupe, look for the headstone marked " paula schultz,

    再富樂和瓜達路培街交口,找一塊叫做寶? ?休茲的墓碑,
  2. Show a va ccine s maximum duration of effectiveness. if you are a pet owner, you and your veterinarian should make the ultimate decision about which vaccines need to be given to your pet and how often they should be administered, according to dr. ronald d. schultz, a veterinary immunologist at the university of wisconsin - madison school of veterinary medicine

    美國威斯康辛大學麥迪森獸醫學院的獸醫免疫學者羅納德舒爾茲博士ronald d . schultz表示,如果你有飼養寵物,那麼你的寵物該施打何種疫苗以及多久施打一次,則必須由你及你的獸醫師來決定。
  3. If you are a pet owner, you and your veterinarian should make the ultimate decision about which vaccines need to be given to your pet and how often they should be administered, according to dr. ronald d. schultz, a veterinary immunologist at the university of wisconsin - madison school of veterinary medicine

    美國威斯康辛大學麥迪森獸醫學院的獸醫免疫學者羅納德舒爾茲博士ronald d . schultz表示,如果你有飼養寵物,那麼你的寵物該施打何種疫苗以及多久施打一次,則必須由你及你的獸醫師來決定。
  4. Schultz, d. m., d. keyser, and l. f. bosart, 1998 : the effect of large - scale flow on low - level frontal structure and evolution in midlatitude cyclones. mon. wea. rev., 126, 1767 - 1791

  5. Some intently observe the parade of life swirling around them and capture stories from other people ' s lives. singer / songwriter mark schultz is equally skilled at both approaches

  6. After all, starbucks chairman howard schultz noted that ethiopia is recognized as the historic birthplace of coffee

  7. Aside from his musical family, one of monroe ' s early influences was a black musician, arnold schultz

  8. Editor s note : mr tony kwok, head of operations icac, presents a leaving gift to mr james schultz before his departure from hong kong on 20 july 2000 to take up the consul s post in ghana

    編者按:廉政公署執行處首長郭文緯在james schultz先生離港往迦納履新前向他致送紀念品。
  9. In succession, this part states all kinds of the theories related to the transfer of agricultural laborious surplus which consists of lee ' s push - pull theory, mabogunjie " systematic theory of population migration model, fee and lewis " dual structural developing model, t. w. schultz ' s cost - utility model, m. p. todaro ' s model of the populations migration in urban and rural areas

  10. This paper takes the conclusion ? human capital can help or promote economy increase as a basic topic. on the basis of t. w. schultz and gray becker ' s human capital theory, in the light of shenyang ' s human resources situation, we further study the problems during the transmission from human resources to human capital in shenyang. at the same time, we analyze and discuss and put forward proposals and strategies : promote the problems of changing the human resources into human capital ; deepen the reform of the system of education and enlarge the decision making power of school running ; according to the capital distribution and compensation principle, carry out the idea of higher education capital compensation system reform ; strengthen the investment of enterprise " human capital ; reform the traditional country and countryside census register isolation system, develop and improve human flow medium ; establish a reasonable, scientific inspiration and restriction mechanism ; enlarge the government ' s investment and management of public hygiene service

  11. In many ways, my talk with gardner reminds me of a conversation i once had with starbucks chairman howard schultz

  12. Starbucks, meanwhile, may have expanded too quickly, which is why howard schultz, its chairman, worries that the “ starbucks experience ” is under threat

    與此同時,星巴克可能是由於發展太快,使其主席霍華德?舒爾茨擔心, 「星巴克體驗」正遭遇威脅。
  13. Howard schultz : how many people have you met in your life who have said things like, " i had that idea ", " i knew about that ", or " i was so close but i gave up "

    霍華德?舒爾茨:你一輩子認識多少人是說過「我也曾有過那種想法」 、 「我早知道是這樣」或者「我差點就成功了,但我最終還是放棄了。 」
  14. In an internal memo sent to senior starbucks executives on february 14th, which was leaked onto the internet, mr schultz says that the expansion from 1, 000 to more than 13, 000 shops over the past ten years has led to a watering down of the starbucks experience and to “ what some might call the commoditisation of the brand ”

    在一份2月14日寄給星巴克資深主管的內部備忘中,舒爾茨表示,店鋪在過去10年中從1000家擴展到13000家,這導致「星巴克體驗」逐漸淡化,並且導致「一些人所稱的品牌商品化」 。
  15. American economist t. w. s schultz, one of the modern human resource theory fathers, defined the human capital as the ksas ( knowledge, skill and working ability ) of the working people, which are formed, promoted and deposited through investment

    現代人力資本理論的創始人之一? ?美國經濟學家t ? w ?舒爾茲認( schultz )認為:人力資本是指通過投入,形成、提高並凝聚在勞動者身上的知識、技能及表現出的勞動活動能力。
  16. The nobel prize in economics : theodore william schultz

  17. I was questioned by sergeants mcavity and schultz

  18. Schultz has made a lot more than just money. he has created a company that cares

  19. In his memo mr schultz suggests that the company needs to go back to its roots

  20. The human capital theory put first forward by theodore. w. schultz, an economist in usa

    美國經濟學家西奧多? w ?舒爾茨首先提出了人力資本理論。