shared variables 中文意思是什麼

shared variables 解釋
  1. Provides atomic operations for variables that are shared by multiple threads

  2. Locks around shared variables allow java threads to quickly and easily communicate and synchronize

  3. Some very strange things can happen if you fail to synchronize when accessing shared variables

  4. Volatile variables can also be used to store shared variables at a lower cost than that of synchronization, but they have limitations

  5. Unfortunately, this situation is a common use case for volatile - using a volatile field as a " guard " to indicate that a set of shared variables had been initialized

  6. In particular, nearly every modern processor has instructions for updating shared variables in a way that can either detect or prevent concurrent access from other processors

  7. Developers may find use for atomic variables directly as a higher - performance replacement for shared counters, sequence number generators, and other independent shared variables that otherwise would have to be protected by synchronization

  8. In this approach, design tasks are decomposed into a system - level optimization and subsystem - level optimizations. the task of each subsystem optimization is to find the local variables to minimize or maximize objectives, subject to its local design constraints. the task of the system - level optimization is to find global ( or shared ) and auxiliary variables to optimize the system performances, and satisfy the consistency constraints

  9. Without shared fields and properties, you would need to use module - level variables to achieve the same effect

  10. Data that is shared by multiple sessions and does not change often is the ideal type of data to insert into application - state variables

  11. The combination of mutual exclusion and memory barriers means that as long as programs follow the correct synchronization rules that is, synchronize whenever writing a variable that may next be read by another thread or when reading a variable that may have been last written by another thread, each thread will see the correct value of any shared variables it uses

    互斥獨占和內存壁壘結合使用意味著只要您在程序設計的時候遵循正確的同步法則(也就是說,每當寫一個後面可能被其他線程訪問的變量,或者讀取一個可能最後被另一個線程修改的變量時,都要使用同步) ,每個線程都會得到它所使用的共享變量的正確的值。
  12. The key to * * code reentrant is to ensure mutual exclusion whenever accessing global variables or shared registers

  13. The key to making code reentrant is to ensure mutual exclusion whenever accessing global variables or shared registers

  14. Using process - shared mutexes and condition variables

    使用進程共享的互斥體( mutex )和條件變量
  15. All variables that contain shared data must be placed in a shared data section
