she 中文意思是什麼

音標 [ʃi:, ʃi]
she 解釋
pron. 代名詞 名詞 她〈人稱代名詞、第三人稱、陰性、單數;所有格是 her 和 hers, 賓格是 her, 復數是 they〉。
★ 船舶、國家、月亮、火車等也常比擬作陰性而說作 she。
n. 名詞 (pl. shes ) (opp. he). 女人;女子;〈口語〉雌。
Is it a he or a she 這是男是女? 是雄是雌?adj. 形容詞 女的;雌的;母的。
a she-cat 雌貓。
a she-napper 女偵探。
a she stuff 〈美國〉(母牛除外的)母畜。

  1. She rose and took a tentative step backward.

  2. Aaron had dumped regina, and she was unknowingly

  3. She can reckon rapidly on the abacus

  4. She was really taken aback upon hearing of his death

  5. She wanted to abase herself before the strong man, to be low and humble before him.

  6. " has she made a fortune also ? " inquired the abb

    「難道她也發了一筆財嗎? 」
  7. Mother abbess just quit because she got shingies

  8. She did not know that middleton abbey lay in the direction of his gaze.

  9. She had lost the power to abbreviate the remaining steps of the way.

  10. I had to go over the whole proposal twice, and word it as plainly as abc before she would fully take it in.

  11. Thomas j. abercrombie, kabul, afghanistan 1967, as enclosed as her pets, an afghan woman secludes herself behind the traditional chadri as she balances caged goldfinches bought at market

    阿富汗,喀布爾, 1967年,托馬斯?亞柏克隆比,這位婦人將市場買來的金翅雀頂在頭上,一襲傳統的察都里袍圍住全身,把她圍得與籠中鳥一樣的禁閉。
  12. Ah, yes, she abhorred the cold cynicism of the worldly-wise who sneer at the burning tears of the simple-minded.

  13. "how is abigail peters?" said rachel, as she went on with her biscuits.

  14. Tell your master, nelly, that i never, in my life met with such an abject thing as she is.

  15. She only thought how best to make her visit appear to eustacia not abject but wise.

  16. In this self - complacent conviction she departed ; and the success of her fulfilled resolution was obvious on the morrow : mr linton had not only abjured his peevishness though his spirits seemed still subdued by catherine s exuberance of vivacity, but he ventured no objection to her taking isabella with her to wuthering heights in the afternoon ; and she rewarded him with such a summer of sweetness and affection in return, as made the house a paradise for several days ; both master and servants profiting from the perpetual sunshine

  17. She controlled the meeting very ably

  18. In a fit of self - abnegation she was severe on womankind, for she wished thus to lessen the cruelty of her blow

  19. She has shown no abnormality in intelligence or in disposition.

  20. She wouldn't have borne your abominable behaviour quietly.
