socially deprived 中文意思是什麼

socially deprived 解釋
  1. In addition to open enrolment courses for the general public, hkobs operates special programmes for the handicapped, socially - deprived people and juvenile delinquents as well as employees of major corporations, various organisations and the government

  2. Seven british cities are furiously bidding against one another for the privilege of being allowed to license the country ' s first super - casino, each one trying to argue that it is more socially deprived than the rest and that it has a worthier plan to use gambling as a catalyst for regeneration

    為取得建造該國第一個超級賭場的許可特權, 7個城市正互相傾軋、瘋狂竟價,每個城市都聲嘶力竭地宣稱,自己比別的城市更窮困、自己的計劃更有價值,能利用賭博來促使城市再現輝煌。