sociation 中文意思是什麼

sociation 解釋
  1. Each small quadrat must be more homogeneous than the sociation as a whole.

  2. Sociology abstracts from the complexity of social life which is "purely society, " that is, sociation.

  3. Forms of sociation include hierarchies, corporations, marriage, friendship; forms do not produce society, forms are society.

  4. The individual is contained in sociation and, at the same time, finds himself confronted by it. … he exists both for society and for himself

  5. The sociological inquiry is directed toward abstracting from the complex phenomenon called social life that which is purely society, that is, sociation

  6. The questions, then, are these : what, quite generally and a priori, is the basis or presupposition which lies behind the fact that particular, concrete process in the individual consciousness are actually processes of sociation

    於是現在就該提出問題:究竟什麼是一般的、先驗的基礎或前提,且其必須切實有效, ,才能使在個人的意識里的各種單一的、具體的進程真正是社會化的進程?
  7. This formula is no less valid in regard to the relation between individuals and the groups to which they are socially tied or, if these groups are subsumed under the over - all concept or feeling of sociation, in regard to the relation among individuals in general
