southerly 中文意思是什麼

southerly 解釋
adj. 形容詞 ,adv. 動詞 副詞 南,在南(的);向南(的);從南方來(的)。
a southerly course 南方航線。
sail southerly (船)向南航行。

  1. Admiralty forthwith deflected all our warships towards the more southerly route.

  2. Not to inherit by right of primogeniture, gavelkind or borough english, or possess in perpetuity an extensive demesne of a sufficient number of acres, roods and perches, statute land measure valuation 42, of grazing turbary surrounding a baronial hall with gatelodge and carriage drive nor, on the other hand, a terracehouse or semidetached villa, described as rus in urbe or qui si sana, but to purchase by private treaty in fee simple a thatched bungalowshaped 2 storey dwellinghouse of southerly aspect, surmounted by vane and lightning conductor, connected with the earth, with porch covered by parasitic plants ivy or virginia creeper, halldoor, olive green, with smart carriage finish and neat doorbrasses, stucco front with gilt tracery at eaves and gable, rising, if possible, upon a gentle eminence with agreeable prospect from balcony with stone pillar parapet over unoccupied and unoccupyable interjacent pastures and standing in 5 or 6 acres of its own ground, at such a distance from the nearest public thoroughfare as to render its houselights visible at night above and through a quickset hornbeam hedge of topiary cutting, situate at a given point not less than 1 statute mile from the periphery of the metropolis, within a time limit of not more than 5 minutes from tram or train line e. g.,

    他並不想根據長子繼承製男子平分繼承製或末子繼承製237 ,把那幢有著門房和馬車道的男爵宅邪及其周圍那一大片遼闊的英畝路得和平方桿238法定土地面積單位,估價為四十二英鎊239的泥炭質牧場地,或者那座被描述為「都會中的田園240 」或「健康莊242 」的有陽臺的房子或一側與鄰屋相接的別墅,繼承下來並永久佔有。他只巴望根據私人合同購買一所繼承人身分不受限制的不動產:要坐北朝南的一座草屋頂有涼臺的雙層住宅,房頂上裝起風向標以及與地面相接的避雷針,門廊上要爬滿寄生植物常春藤或五葉地錦,橄欖綠色的正門最後一道工序漆得漂漂亮亮,賽得過馬車。門上有著精巧的黃銅裝飾。
  3. Southerly, at many miles distance, and over the hills and ridges coastward, she could discern a surface like polished steel : it was the english channel at a point far out towards france

  4. Uganda is a land locked country, situated in east africa. it shares its borders with the countries of kenya in the east, sudan in the north, democratic republic of congo in the west, tanzania in the south. uganda is crossed by the equator at mid southerly level

    烏干達是東非的一個內陸國家,東部與肯尼亞為鄰,北向蘇丹,西臨剛果共和國,南倚坦尚尼亞,而赤道橫過中部稍南處,國家面共197 , 097平方公里,人口達22 , 210 , 000 , 1962年10月脫離英國獨立。
  5. In drought ( flood ) years over the yangtze river basin, the southerly moisture transport with the summer monsoon can shift to northern ( southern ) than the normal, the southeasterly water vapor from south

  6. The southerly water vapor can progress to 50 n near north - east in china -, the southeasterly water vapor from south side of the west pacific subtropical high and north side of the monsoon trough can march westward to 100 e near south - east part of gansu in summer

    東亞夏季偏南風水汽輸送所能到達的北界為50 n附近的東北北部。西太平洋副高南側、亞洲季風槽北側的東南風水汽輸送在夏季可向西擴展到甘肅東南部地區( 100 e附近) 。
  7. Shortly after the disappearance of judith, a light southerly air arose.

  8. The plane flew off in a southerly direction

  9. On maps, kosovo is serbia ' s most southerly province

  10. The wind is blowing easterly ( westerly, northerly, southerly, southwesterly

  11. A high, cold, southerly w ind. b uster also m eans anything of great size

    意為「南方吹來的寒冷的疾風」 。此詞也指「任何很大的東西」 。
  12. Southerly gales brought severe windshear and turbulence to the airport

  13. A generally southerly hot wind from the sahara that blows across egypt from late march to early may

  14. With the turning of winds at hkia to southerly, the signature of windshear over the airport became more prominent

  15. Hamlet : i am but mad north - north - west : when the wind is southerly i know a hawk from a handsaw

  16. Mountain wave cloud also known as lenticular cloud, i. e. lens shaped was observed on the hilltop of lantau on 12 august 2003. the picture was taken at around 2 : 20 p. m. that afternoon at the hong kong international airport looking south - southeast towards lantau with a setting of 1 160s, f8. 0 and iso - 100 speed. at the time winds were light to moderate southerly, with showers just passing over lantau an hour earlier

    相片顯示大嶼山的山頂正蓋著一層波狀雲也稱為莢狀雲,因其形狀如豆莢照片是在二零零三年八月十二日下午二時二十分左右拍攝,地點在香港國際機場朝著東南偏東的方向,用度菲林快門為1 160秒和光圈f8 . 0 。
  17. It was in 1862 that, in spite of the southern members of congress, who wished a more southerly route, it was decided to lay the road between the forty - first and forty - second parallels. ped to have no outlet

  18. The analysis of the large - scale synoptic situation shows that strong precipitation is closely related to the explosion of monsoon and the intensification of cross - equatorial flow which bring a lot of vapor and meet with cold masses at the eastern of northwest district on 8th, june causing extremely heavy rainfall ; that subtropical high - level jet at 200hpa, subtropical high at 500hpa and low - level jet at 850hpa are the weather backgrounds favorable to strong precipitation ; that the pattern of eastern highs and western lows and the establishment of a low - level jet and the coupling between upper - and low - level patterns that determine that the rain occurred in the east of the northwest china ( on average, this is the rainy season for the south of china, but not for the northwest china ) ; that water vapor comes from southerly and easterly flow which converge at the eastern of northwest district with convergence mainly in lower levels and pbl ; that the high value of the whole - level apparent heat source < q1 > is near the area of large rainfall in the direction of northeasterly - southwesterly agreeable to shear line very well and the condensation latent heat releasing is main heat source with vertical advection item playing key role in q1 and q2 ; that there is a vertical secondary circulation crossing low - lever jet whose ascending branch is at the area of large rainfall ; that the construction of convection instability and conditional symmetry instability results that there is not only deep thermal instability, but also moisture influx and triggering mechanism of thermal instability causing strong torrential rain

    作為對比,本文還對2002年6月24 - 25日發生在北京地區的強地形雨進行了分析,並討論陜南、北京地區兩地暴雨的異同點以及地形作用的共性和個性,為兩地暴雨預報提供有益的參考,得出了一些很有意義的結果: 1大尺度環流背景分析表明: ( 1 ) 「 02 . 6 」強降水與6月上旬越赤道氣流和季風爆發密切相關,攜帶大量水汽的偏南氣流與冷空氣於6月8日交匯在西北地區東部,導致了這次強降水的發生; ( 2 ) 200hpa的副熱帶西風急流、 500hpa副高以及850hpa的低空急流的配置非常有利於本文分析之陜西強降水的發展與維持。大尺度形勢分析表明,東高西低形勢場、低空急流的建立和高低空形勢的配置決定了這場降雨出現在西北地區東部。與暴雨區相聯系,存在一支橫越低空急流的經向垂直環流,暴雨區處于該垂直環流的上升支; ( 3 )偏南和偏東氣流水汽通道在西北地區東部交匯,水汽的輻合積聚主要在對流層低層和行星邊界層內完成; ( 4 )整層的視熱源< q _ 1 >高值區在暴雨區附近呈東北-西南向分佈,與切變線走向非常一致,降水產生的凝結潛熱釋放是強降水區大氣的主要熱源。
  19. The northward march of the southerly moisture transport with the summer monsoon transport over the east asian ( 110 - 130 e ) shows the feature of staged jumps. each jump relates with the large - scale important weather incident in china

    ( 2 )氣候平均狀態下,夏季偏南風水汽輸送在東亞地區( 110 ? 130 e )的向北推進有階段式跳躍的特點,每次跳躍均與影響我國的大型天氣事件相聯系。
  20. In the month of september, the band, consisting of perhaps five or six families, moves to a certain well - known pass, generally some narrow neck of land between two lakes, and there awaits the southerly migration of the reindeer
