spring beauty 中文意思是什麼

spring beauty 解釋

  • spring : n 1 春季,春天。2 青春;初期。3 〈pl 〉大潮時期。4 泉。5 源頭,水源,根源,本源;發生;動機,原動...
  • beauty : n 1 美,美麗,漂亮 (opp ugliness); 美感。2 〈the beauty〉 〈集合詞〉美麗的人們; 〈a beauty〉 ...
  1. In the spring, the plants that burgeon are a promise of beauty that is to come.

  2. The beauty salon at spa world spring resort includes a hydrotherapy installation that directs more than 800 micro - jets of water over the body

  3. Health and beauty get twin billing at the spa world spring resort, and the beauty salon includes facilities for seaweed - pack application, sea - salt baths, and all - over nutritional hydrotherapy using more than 800 micro - jets of water. now you can enjoy an all - out spa experience without having to travel overseas

    以健康美麗為經營重點的水都,美容部除了太空艙海藻敷體,還有海鹽放鬆浴和具有八百多孔水柱拍擊全身的有氧水療,讓你不必出國,也可以享受舒暢愉悅的spa 。
  4. The largest healthcare and fitness center, gymnasium, mini - golf court, tennis court, wall alley, table tennis alley, desk alley, hot spring swimming pool, beauty salon

  5. This year, the kun tunes research group, taiwan university, founded for 50 years to this day, will perform " the garden visit ", " disturbed in the dream " and " the pickup of paintings " adopted from kun tunes ' classic tale, " the mu - dan pavilion ", as well as " flirtation by the stringed instrument " of the tale " the jade hairpin " and " the duan bridge " of " lei - feng tower ", in which diverse kun tunes artistic beauty is displayed in elegant and inviting music for voices through the spring feelings given by the young girl, talking loves by a priestess and a young man under the moon with the tones made by the string instrument, and the dispute from loves and hates among xu - xie, white snake and green snake

    臺大崑曲研究社成立至今已屆第五十個年頭,今年,將演出昆劇經典摺子《牡丹亭》之游園、驚夢、拾畫叫畫, 《玉簪記》之琴挑與《雷峰塔》之斷橋,從閨中少女娓娓傾訴思春情懷、月下的道姑與書生以琴音互道衷曲,到許仙與白蛇、青蛇之間的愛恨糾葛,在優雅動人的水磨唱腔中,為觀眾呈現多樣化的崑曲藝術之美。
  6. Beauty displayed in spring sunlight

  7. Richly endowed with the mild climate of eternal spring, kunming enjoys a picturesque scenery. here the high officials and dignitaries, buddhist monks and taoist priests of the past dynasties built pavilions, mansiuns, temples and palaces after careful inspectionand selection. so places of historical interest and scenic beauty characteristic of the culture in southwest china can be found euerywhere in and outside the city and around the dianchi lake

  8. In a beauty treatment imported from turkey, bathers at " dr fish ", a new spa in the hot spring resort of hakone, dip their feet into a warm pool teeming with fish that nibble away at dead skin and bacteria

  9. The spring water issues from the face of the rock at up to 85, is colorless and odorless, and contains iron and other minerals. it is potable, and leaves the skin of those who bathe in it feeling particularly smooth. the japanese gave the name " beauty baths " to hot springs of this kind

  10. Each season here has its beauty : bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring, spectacular summer thunderstorms which are rarely seen elsewhere, blue rivers running across the mountains overlaid with red maple leaves in fall, and snow - capped mountains and frosted pine trees in winter that stage a quiet solemn spectacle of particular interest. on a clear day one can see the peaks rising one after another. when the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into a sea of clouds. mount tai is most famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset. its landsacpe and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers. mount tai has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets

    泰山的每個季節都有獨特的魅力.春天,綠茵茵的山坡上,爭奇斗艷的花朵到處可見.夏天,泰山的雷暴雨堪稱奇觀. .秋天,楓樹葉漫山遍野,蔚藍色的河水穿流而行.冬天,雪蓋群峰松披霜,景觀素雅悲壯,別有一番情趣.喜逢艷陽日,極目遠眺,重巒疊嶂,盡收眼底.但遇天陰時,環顧四周,蒼茫大地,盡入雲海.泰山的日出與日落,聞名遐邇.壯觀自然風景以及不可計數的歷史名勝,激發了古代文人書法家,為之舞文弄墨,創作了無數經典佳作.泰山歷來是畫家與詩人鐘情的聚集地
  11. Her beauty was a well-spring of purest water-of-life, and to look upon her was to drink.

  12. The scene in view area is pretty, the beauty spots are numerous, take the hot springs in anning of " the first soup in the world " be the most well - known, there are another caoxi temple, the pearl spring. etc.,

  13. Each season has its beauty : bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring, spectacular summer thunderstorms which are rarely seen elsewhere, blue rivers running across the mountains overlaid with red maple leaves in fall, and snow - capped mountains and frosted pine trees in winter that stage a quiet grandeur spectacle of particular interest

  14. A ship in sail, a blooming flower, a town at night, a lovely poem, leaf shadows, a child ' s grace, the stary skies, apple trees in spring, the thousand sights and sounds or words that evoke in us the thought of beauty ? these are the drops of rain that keep the human spirit from death by drought

    舟楫揚帆,鮮花綻放,小鎮夜色,動人詩篇,樹影婆娑,童趣天真,星空璀璨,春日果園,萬千景象,物鳴天籟,詩賦文章,無不引起我們對美的遐想? ?它們如雨露甘霖,滋潤著人們的心田,使之免於乾涸。
  15. Staying in conch hotel, or watching moon, or listening sea of bamboo, or singing and dancing, or bathing hot spring … during return to nature, you can experiment more true essence of beauty

    入住海螺,或觀明月探窗,或聞竹海迎風,或輕歌曼舞,或沐浴溫泉… … ,在回歸大自然中,你會感受到更多美的真諦。
  16. The reason hotel lies in the new urban centre of yangzhou in permanent spring, adjoin the district people s government of hanjiang in the west, border on passenger traffic of yangzhou west in the south and stand, borders on the railway station in the north, the traffic is very convenient, 15 minutes from the market mart and famous slender west lake of beauty spot

  17. Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all the joys of having created beauty

  18. If people give up when it ' s winter, they will miss the promise of their spring, the beauty of their summer, and the fulfillment of their fall

  19. When you head for yangmingshan, it s always a good idea to enjoy the area s abundant natural beauty before taking a nice long soak in a hot spring and topping off the experience with a meal of vegetables harvested from the surrounding mountains

  20. It was one of those lovely harbingers of spring, given as a sign in dreary winter that earth is not forsaken of warmth and beauty
