stary stary night 中文意思是什麼

stary stary night 解釋
  • stary : 施塔里
  • night : n. 1. 夜,夜間;夜晚 (opp. day)。2. 黃昏;黑夜;黑暗。3. 蒙昧時代;失意時代。 4. 盲目,瞎;死。5. 夜晚的活動〈如晚會等〉。
  1. A ship in sail, a blooming flower, a town at night, a lovely poem, leaf shadows, a child ' s grace, the stary skies, apple trees in spring, the thousand sights and sounds or words that evoke in us the thought of beauty ? these are the drops of rain that keep the human spirit from death by drought

    舟楫揚帆,鮮花綻放,小鎮夜色,動人詩篇,樹影婆娑,童趣天真,星空璀璨,春日果園,萬千景象,物鳴天籟,詩賦文章,無不引起我們對美的遐想? ?它們如雨露甘霖,滋潤著人們的心田,使之免於乾涸。