stumble 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['stʌmbl]
stumble 解釋
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 絆倒,摔倒 (at; over); 東倒西歪地走。
2. 弄錯,搞錯,犯錯誤,犯(道德上的)罪過;失足。
3. 說不出話來,結巴;躊躇。
4. 偶然碰見 (on, upon; across)。
vt. 及物動詞 使絆倒,使失足;使為難;使躊躇莫決。
stumble over a stone 給石頭絆倒。
stumble through a speech 結結巴巴地演說。
stumble over one's words 結結巴巴地說。
stumble upon a rare book in the library 在圖書館中偶然發現一本少見的書。
stumble along 東倒西歪地走。
stumble at a straw 動輒為小事發愁。
n. 名詞 絆倒;失足;差錯,失誤,過失;失敗。
n. 名詞 -r 跌跤者;失錯者;犯過失者;蹣跚行走者;結結巴巴演說者。

  1. The assyrian king remembers his glorious ones : they stumble in their march ; they hasten to the wall of the city, but the besiegers ' shelter is prepared

  2. Using this system to navigate the fort benning program, i managed to enter one of the blocky buildings, climb the stairs to the second floor and stumble into a firefight with the enemy, a squad of computer - generated thugs

  3. Todd : cwick is among the first americans to stumble on to buchenwald, one of the largest, most notorious nazi concentration camps

  4. As governments, we stumble from crisis to crash program, lurching into the future without plan, without hope, without vision

  5. Don't stumble, you heedless little thing.

  6. Thus, with traditional buddhist pietism, we can embrace the religious side of faith and devotion, but shy off from the hard - headed world - view and the task of critical inquiry ; or, with modern buddhist apologetics, we can extol the dhamma ' s empiricism and resemblance to science, but stumble embarrassingly over the religious side

  7. It was no uncommon thing now for him to stumble and fall ; and stumbling once, he fell squarely into a ptarmigan nest

  8. I walked up one road, down another, expecting to stumble on something recognizable.

  9. Men make mistakes; horses stumble.

  10. " stagger, stumble " suggest unsteady or uncontrolled movement.

  11. We stumble when we hit our feet against unseen objects.

  12. He would not have been aware of thisso preoccupied was heif he had not chanced halfway up the hill to stumble across his groom, who had been to look for him in the town, and was on his way back to the inn

  13. Intrepid archeologist jack starring jackie chan and ambitious scientist william starring tony leung ka fai set out on an adventure that would lead them to the greatest discovery in chinese history. their journey starts at desar, india, where they stumble upon an ancient sword from the qin dynasty and a magical gemstone that appears to be able to defy the force of gravity

    Jack在西安秦俑博物館重遇大難不死的william ,他興奮地向jack透露,發現靈棺寶石可抵禦地心引力,遂將浮力寶石據為己有, william更投向假借學術盜墓走私的古先生,依附對方的財力,繼續進行研究, jack痛斥william自私的行徑一對曾出身入死的好友因信念回異決裂。
  14. It had surprised him to stumble upon a dirty, forgotten place like that in a bank that was always so tidy.

  15. If you do stumble on anything that pertains to this case

  16. If you do stumble on anything that pertains to this case.

    如果你無意中發現這個案子的任何事情. .
  17. But it happens that they did not create enough merit in the last lives for them to be able to meet a friend, a guide to show them the real way to happiness so they have to find it themselves through all kinds of means and sometimes, stumble and harm themselves

  18. I stumble upon the rare book in a second - hand bookstore

  19. He shall recount his worthies : they shall stumble in their walk ; they shall make haste to the wall thereof, and the defence shall be prepared

  20. The engine will not run well with a lean mixture and may stumble or stall.
