switchman 中文意思是什麼

switchman 解釋

  1. " not even the locomotive engineer knows that, " said the switchman

    「開機車的人自己也不知道。 」扳道工說道。
  2. " they are pursuing nothing at all, " said the switchman

    「他們什麼也不追隨。 」
  3. " these are not the same ones, " said the switchman

    「他們不是原來那些人了。 」
  4. " i sort out travelers, in bundles of a thousand, " said the switchman

    「我一趟趟地發送旅客,每千人一趟。 」
  5. " no one is ever satisfied where he is, " said the switchman

    「人們是從來也不會滿意自己所在的地方的。 」扳道工說。
  6. And a brilliantly lighted express train shook the switchman s cabin as it rushed by with a roar like thunder

  7. " they sure are in a hurry. what are they looking for ? " asked the little prince. … " people are never satisfied where they are ", the switchman said

    "跑得那麼急!他們在追趕什麼呢? "小王子問道。 … "人對自己的地方總是不滿足的。 "鐵道工說。