symbolic 中文意思是什麼

音標 [sim'bɔlik]
symbolic 解釋
adj. 形容詞 記號的,符號的;象徵的。

  1. Because of the inevitable tensions of the processes of institutionalization, and by the very fact that all social phenomena are constructions produced historically through human activity, no society is totally taken for granted and so, a fortiori, is no symbolic universe

  2. Scholars disagree about just what the symbolism of the persian faravahar indicates. is it a symbolic image of ahura mazda, the zoroastrian name for the one god, the " wise lord ?

    學者們不同意波斯法拉瓦哈的象徵意義。它是代表瑣羅亞斯德教的唯一神,阿胡瑪茲達, 「英明的主」的一個象徵肖像嗎?
  3. The ring which is held in the achaemenid faravahar ' s hand is still used in sassanian art to depict the royal diadem, which is handed to the new king by the symbolic representation of ahura mazda himself or by the yazata ( guardian spirit ) of waters, anahita

  4. Its symbolic connotation from this owes to the returning cyclical nature of the seasons ; the oscillations of the night sky ; self - fecundation ; disintegration and re - integration ; truth and cognition complete ; the androgyne ; the primaeval waters ; the potential before the spark of creation ; the undifferentiated ; the totality ; primordial unity ; self - sufficiency, and the idea of the beginning and the end as being a continuous unending principle

  5. In this paper, it is shown that some atomic formulas of symbolic states generated by the algorithms can be removed to improve the model checking time - and space - efficiency. such atomic formulas are called as irrelevant atomic formulas. a method is also presented to detect irrelevant formulas based on the test - reset information about clock variables

    一個時間自動機是一個五元組n , l 0 , c , e , i ,其中n為一個有窮的位置集合, l 0n是初始狀態, c是一個取實數值的時鐘變量的有窮集合, e ng c 2 cn是轉換的集合。
  6. It covers topics on universe, auspice, history, religion, morality, and etc. defining its symbolic meaning, choosing and organizing the symbols, and designing its mediums are the creation procedure in metaphorical symbolization

  7. This article reviews what s really going on under the book jacket and why there are so many symbolic links in usr lib on a normal linux system

    本文將討論此方法的實際內幕,以及在常規linux系統上的/ usr / lib中有很多符號鏈接的原因。
  8. The last count of spada, moreover, made me his heir, bequeathing to me this symbolic breviary, he bequeathed to me all it contained ; no, no, make your mind satisfied on that point

  9. 23 april is a symbolic date for world literature for on this date in 1616, cervantes, shakespeare and inca garcilaso de la vega all died

  10. Control chaotic dynamic system basing on symbolic dynamics

  11. The cross is symbolic of christianity.

  12. Symbolic concordance program

  13. Is symbolic politics just a culmination of long - term interests

  14. It is to facilitate this trade that the indus writing was evolved in the same proto - symbolic style as the contemporary cuneiform writing of mesopotamia

    它將促進這貿易, indus文字和mesopotamia一樣當代楔形文字的文字演變了在proto象徵性樣式。
  15. Cyclamen are one of the symbolic potted flowers of tokyo, and approximately 350, 000 of them are cultivated in the city each year

  16. The trial demonstrates the map symbolic library is complete, normative and perfect in functions. the output digital map in don format can satisfy the needs of map publishing as well as data convert and meet the demands of system devisal

  17. A series of symbolic body postures and hand movements used in east indian classical dancing

  18. The symbolic electric circuit analysis using matlab

  19. The british expeditionary force was no more than a symbolic contribution.

  20. Wang ja - de snow deconstructs the patriarchal binary thought, reveals the feminity, deviates phallocentric tradition, and interprets the marginalized, silenced and repressed feminity under the phallic symbolic order, wang ja - de snow utters the voice, strength and desires for chinese - american females and seeks back their identity buried in history and the power of struggle

    摘要黃玉雪第三人稱自傳小說《華女阿五》 ,以「陰性書寫」來解構父權二元對立思想,凸現女性氣質,偏離「菲勒斯中心論」 ,闡發陽性象徵秩序下被邊陲化、被緘默化和壓抑的女性特質,代表華裔女性發出長久被壓抑的聲音、力量以及各種慾望,尋回被埋沒于歷史中的身份和抗爭的力量。