talk 中文意思是什麼

音標 [tɔ:k]
talk 解釋
vi. 不及物動詞 談話,商談,(用動作等)表示意思;(用無線電)通信;饒舌,嘮叨;空談;(開水壺)嚷叫,發響。
vt. 及物動詞 講,談;談著消磨(光陰);談論;講著話使…(into; out of)。
Let's sit down and talk. 讓我們坐下來談談。
Talk in English 用英語講。
Talk English 講英語。
Talk politics 談政治。
Talk a child to sleep 用話哄孩子睡。
(He would) talk a horse's [a donkey's] hind leg off =talk the bark off a tree 〈美國〉講個不停,滔滔不絕地講。
Talk oneself hoarse (out of breath) 講得聲音嘶啞(喘不過氣來)。
Talk in one's sleep 說夢話。
People will talk. 人家會說閑話的,人言可畏。
Money talks. 金錢萬能。
Talk a leg off =talkan arm off 〈美國〉說個不停,刺刺不休。
Talk about 講(某事),談論(What are you talking about? 你們在談論什麼? I do not want to be talked about. 我不願意給人議論)。
The accused begins to talk. 被告開始交代了。
Talk against time 說話消磨時間。
Talk at 暗指著…說,影射某人。
Talk away 說著話消磨(時間);靠講話來忘記(恐怖等)。
Talk baby 用對小孩子講話的口氣說 (to)。
Talk back 反唇相譏,回嘴。
Talk big [tall] 〈俚語〉誇口,吹牛。
Talk business 談正經事。
Talk (cold) turkey 〈美國〉照實說,老老實實說;正正經經討論,討論基本問題。
Talk down 駁倒;放低嗓子說;放大聲音蓋過其他聲音;【航空】(用無線電)引導著陸。
Talk from the point 離題,說得不著邊際。
Talk (sb. ) into [out of] 說服(某人)做[停止做]…。
Talk of 講,談論;說要(T- of the devil, and he will appear 說到曹操,曹操就到。
He is talking of going abroad. 他說要出國去。
Talking of… 說到,講到)。
Talk one's head off 〈美國〉=talk a leg off 說個沒完。
Talk out 盡量談;徹底說,說完;〈英國〉將(議案的)討論拖到閉會而懸置不決。
Talk out of turn 〈美俚〉弄錯;干涉,阻礙。
Talk over 1. vi. 不及物動詞 商談,商量。
2. vt. 及物動詞 說服。
talk round 1. vi. 不及物動詞 轉彎抹角地講。
2. vt. 及物動詞 說服;說得使回心轉意。
Talkshop 講自己的本行話[事情]。
Talk the talk 〈美口〉只說不做。
Talk the talk,walk the walk 說到做到。
Talk through one's hat =talk through (the back of) one's neck 〈口語〉誇張,吹牛;亂說。
Talk to 向…談;〈口語〉申斥,勸諫(I'll talk to him. 要說他一頓了)。
Talk to hear one's teeth rattle 〈美國〉胡說。
Talk to oneself 自言自語。
Talk together 商量,談判。
Talk United States 〈美國〉說明美國公民的意見;講英語;講美國話。
Talk up 大聲講,明白地講;〈美國〉討論。
n. 名詞 談話;商談,商議,談判;講演;謠傳;話題,話柄;空話;隱語,黑話;方言;語調,口氣。
Big talk 〈美口〉大話。
An idle talk 無聊話,閑扯,山海經。
Small talk 閑談。
Tall talk 大話。
I heard it in talk. 我是聽人傳說的。
He is all talk. 他只會說(不會做)。
It will end in talk. 還不過是空話[傳聞]罷了。
That's the talk. 〈美國〉好,洗耳恭聽。
All talk and no cider 議而不決,空談而無結果。
Make a talk 造成口實,使人議論。
Make talk 一味空談;閑聊。

  1. All that talk about abattoirs turned me right off !

  2. All that talk about abattoirs turned me right off

  3. [ abby ] repeat after me. you, your dad, talk - talk.

    跟我念,你和你爸,談,談. .
  4. My love of talk still abides with me.

  5. I really like hearing you talk abo it

  6. We can also talk about the absolute magnitudes of objects like star clusters, galaxies, etc

  7. Adele marcus talk about high skills in piano plaing

  8. After the talk, he began to thaw.

  9. Talk about " living history " in a four - page afterword to the paperback edition, which comes out april 19, the former first lady lists a few possibilities

  10. The next i 'd like to talk about is about agriculture.

  11. Ha ha. ahem. can i talk to you for a second

  12. First of all, let me talk about the emission of the prd economic region, including hong kong, which is in the same air shed

  13. He could talk good sense and airy nonsense at discretion.

  14. Sir alfred milner was sent out to talk to themsuch a clever man !

  15. She gave him credit for having the usual allurements of men - people to talk to, places to stop, friends to consult with

  16. A brief talk on the identificatcion of soprano with alto and vocal music training

  17. Falk : amanda, could i talk to you ?. - hold on

  18. On his way to amman, mr bush did not talk as if he felt like a weakling

  19. Originally, they could still understand something. after they meditate by themselves, they do all sorts of hand and feet mudras and talk nonsense. their minds become confused and run amuck

  20. It would be an anachronism to talk of queen victoria watching television
