thailand masters 中文意思是什麼

thailand masters 解釋
  1. On may 29 and 30, 2004, bangkok initiates introduced masters teachings to the public by conducting a booth and presenting her lecture dvds at the thaifex and halfex 2004 thailand international food exhibition, an event jointly organized by the thai chamber of commerce, the thai department of export promotion ministry of commerce and german exhibition organizer koelnmesse

    曼谷訊曼谷同修於2004年5月29與30日兩天,叄加了由泰國商業協會泰國出口促進會商業部門與德國科隆展覽組織聯合主辦的2004泰國食品展。同修們也在會場上播放講經dvd ,將師父的教理介紹給大眾。
  2. Once, when the personnel directors father was in the hospital, the patient on the adjacent bed happened to be a fellow initiate, who later gave him a copy of masters sample booklet. on another occasion, the personnel director was in transit at an airport in thailand when master, traveling alone, came up to him and asked him to watch her luggage while she completed some procedures. when she returned, he told her that he recognized her and had read her sample booklet

  3. On november 23, 2003 a seminar featuring masters videos was held at yuparach college in chiang mai province, northern thailand, a beautiful area known for its breathtaking ancient temples, towering mountains and picturesque geysers, as well as for the hospitality of its indigenous people

    2003年11月23日,泰國同修在泰北清邁的育帕拉奇學院yuparach college舉辦一場錄影帶講座。清邁省風景優美,尤以令人嘆為觀止的古剎崇山峻嶺噴泉和殷勤好客的原住民而聞名於世。