theatricals 中文意思是什麼

音標 [θi'ætrikəlz]
theatricals 解釋
  1. " very. really one of the best private theatricals i ever attended. there was one actress who surprised us all.

    「好極了,這是我看到過的業余演出中最出色的一常有一個女演員讓我們大家都大吃一驚。 」
  2. I'm to be in the thanksgiving theatricals.

  3. Asked the drummer reflectively, scratching his rosy ear. " i don t know any one that knows anything about amateur theatricals.

    這個推銷員搔著他粉紅的耳朵,心裏想, 「會演戲能串個角的人我一個也不認識。 」
  4. When were in the country we have no rest from it, its nothing but theatricals, hunting parties, and god knows what
