thiers 中文意思是什麼

thiers 解釋
  1. Then, as thiers eloquently recounts, he ordered his soldiers pay to be distributed among them in the false russian notes he had counterfeited

    隨后,據梯也爾花言巧語地敘述,他命令把他偽造的俄國鈔票發給他的士兵們作為薪餉。 relevantlemploidecesmoyensparunactedignedeluietdelarmefrancaise , ilfitdistribuerdessecoursauxincendismaislesvivrestanttropprcieuxpourtredonnsdestrangerslaplupartennemis , napolonaimamieuxleurfournirdelargentfinquilssefournissentauxdehors , etilleurfitdistribuerdesroublespapiers
  2. Seeing the great train of waggons, loaded with the booty of the army, napoleon was alarmed as thiers tells us

  3. The young cossack brought a smile on to the lips of his august companion, says thiers

  4. Napoleons historian, thiers, like others of napoleons historians, tries to justify his hero by maintaining that he was drawn on to the walls of moscow against his will

  5. Thiers, a bonapartist, says that napoleons power rested on his virtue and his genius ; lanfrey, a republican, declares that it rested on his duplicity and deception of the people

  6. The plan of campaign, that work of genius, of which thiers says, that his genius never imagined anything more profound, more skilful, and more admirable, and entering into a polemical discussion with m. fenn, proves that the composition of this work of genius is to be referred, not to the 4th, but to the 15th of octoberthat plan never was and never could be put into execution, because it had nothing in common with the actual facts of the position

    在軍事方面,梯也爾在談到戰役的天才計劃時說: quesongnienavaitjamaisrienimagindeplusprofond , deplushabileetdeplusadmirable ,梯也爾在和凡先生論戰時,在這個問題上證明這個天才計劃的制定是針對十月五日的,並不是針對十月四日的,這個計劃從來沒有也不可能執行,因為它沒有任何一點與實際情況相接近。
  7. The pursuit of the russian army, on which napoleon laid so much stress, led to an unheard - of result. the french generals lost sight of the sixty thousand men of the russian army, and it was only, in the words of thiers, thanks to the skill, and apparently also the genius, of murat that they succeeded at last in finding, like a lost pin, this army of sixty thousand men

  8. But it did not move. it only started running when it was seized by panic fear at the capture of a transport on the smolensk road and the battle of tarutino. the news of the battle of tarutino reached napoleon unexpectedly in the middle of a review, and aroused in himso thiers tells usa desire to punish the russians, and he gave the order for departure that all the army was clamouring for
